The Chosen Few / TCF

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

The Chosen Few is an open and social community where we will start our Star Citizen adventure together.. Our guild is created with an open structure where members are free to choose their own path. We are a Dutch speaking Organization, but we will speak English when needed. ;


The Chosen Few,

Is founded by a couple of friends who love to game.
Our goal is to provide a mature, fun, social, and exciting environment where people can relax without fear of discrimination or abuse. At our core we are a social guild, because chatting, laughing and having fun is what makes playing games awesome!
We talk in Dutch and English, but we have members from all over Europe, but particularly the Netherlands and UK.

• Steam Guild Chat
• Steam Community
• Twitch

• Events



The Chosen Few,
TCF is a guild chapter created for Star Citizen. We created an open and social community where we will start our Star Citizen adventure together. Our guild is created with an open structure where members are free to choose their own path. By default we have no commanders or squad leaders telling you how to play or how to have fun.

Our main focus will be on exploration, trading and bounty hunting but we accept members from all trades. Miners, traders and transporters are all welcome to join our group to increase our self-sufficiency even further.

Our UNP is a universal treaty between two or more Organizations where the signatories promise not to engage in military action against each other. We plan and work together for mutual advantage.


• Dutch Repulic [DRNL]

We do not accept any form of pact or treaty if your Organization is pirate minded.

Our Goals for 3.8.2:
  • Test and have fun
  • Report bugs and technical problems and test again

How to join?
-Apply at our RSI Org page or join our guild chat


The Chosen Few,

We require all our members to be 18 years or over, purely due to the difference in attitude. Most of our members are between age 20 and 30, but we have more people older than 30 than younger than 20.

Be nice, be respectful, and be polite to all players, either TCF members or not
We do not tolerate racism, sexism, or any form of legitimate discrimination
Play fair – no griefing, trolling, harassing, or ruining another players gaming experience aside from standard gaming (e.g. PvP)
Do not swear or talk about adult themes in guild chat for the sake of it. Good natured adult banter is encouraged, expletives for the sake of expletives, are not
Voice chat (currently over Steam) is slightly more liberal, especially in closed user groups. But always be aware who is in your channel, and avoid causing undue offence
Do not post graphic/obscene/adult images on Steam or Spectrum, or link to them in guild chat
Greet, Gratz, and Goodbye – Of course it’s not always possible, but try and greet those that login or logoff
Respect the privacy of others – do not record audio or video of anyone in the guild without first obtaining their permission
Guild missions and other group events are entirely voluntary, we will not force you to attend anything organised by the guild
We are a team of friends. Backing up your guild mates is expected because they will do the same for you
If you leave the guild voluntarily, or are kicked due to bad behaviour, you will not routinely be allowed back in. Each case will be discussed on its own merit