The Confederacy of Independent Pirates / TCIP

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  • Piracy


Welcome to the discord of The Confederacy of Independent Pirates


The multinational pirate alliance exists to form a loose bond of cooperation between pirates and outlaws in the Star Citizen universe. In the face of extreme tyranny and the growth of certain “white knight” factions in the SC community, there exists a need to unify, to some degree, outlaws and pirates in order to provide security to our endeavors and protect our way of life. Furthermore, there exists certain financial and diplomatic benefits to forming such a conglomeration.

The core tenets of this alliance include rights and independence that all outlaw organizations are founded upon: The right to remain as you are, and not be burdened by an overarching government. In this alliance, no independent organization will be asked to relinquish its independence, and no organization will be required to sacrifice its resources or the lives of its members in order to further a cause they do not benefit from.
Instead, this alliance will provide a super-highway of resource exchange and mutual cooperation. Here, outlaws can meet and work together on an equal playing field to accomplish goals that are in their best interest. The foundation of this alliance is built upon the belief that outlaws can work together out of self-motivation to accomplish great feats that would normally be out of the reach of any one organization.

Besides accomplishing great things in the Star Citizen universe, the conglomeration will be an excellent marketplace for fencing or smuggling goods, which will provide all organizations with ways to make money more easily. Also, in the event of any kind of hot-headed white knight “purge”, where some of the anti-outlaw orgs rally together in an effort to wipe out a great portion of the outlaw community, this alliance will be the bastion upon which their waves crash and fall back.

How it works:

As a multinational alliance seeking to include all outlaw factions across the SC community, it is only natural that there will be many organizations joining from different countries. First, these organizations will be grouped together by language in order to facilitate efficient coordination and communication. If they find it convenient, each of these communities may select several multi-lingual representatives to reflect their will in the council, which is discussed later.

In addition to groupings based on language, there will also be some coordination between organizations of similar practice. For example, Smuggling, Piracy, Drug Farming and Slaving may all be encouraged to work together or with organizations of other trades in an effort to keep business simple and easy between organizations in the alliance. If an organization wishes to change its focus or primary trade, it is absolutely free to do so, it will simply be placed in another trade grouping.

All of these groupings will fall under the leadership of a council which governs loosely and consists of one member from every organization in the alliance. This council will seek to enhance the cooperation between its members and coordinate the endeavors of the alliance as a whole.

It is important to note that while there is a governing council, its decisions are not mandatory and it will never infringe upon the independent and autonomous nature of its member orgs.


Flibustiers De Sirius [FLIBSIRIUS],

New Tortuga Militia [NTMILITIA],

Sinister Space Initiative [SCSSI],

Racketeers [RAK],

Extrem am Rocken [EaR],

7H3 WH173 R48817 [TWRABBITS]



Can individuals join the alliance without having to join a member org?

While individuals are encouraged to join one of the member orgs of the alliance, they are always able to join the alliance as an individual. Individuals do not get a voice in the council, but still gain many benefits from working with others in the alliance.

What is the “central body”?

The central body is an organization put in place by the council that works to improve the condition of the alliance and its member orgs. It focuses a great deal of its energy on keeping the alliance running and its member orgs well networked with one another.

If the governing council’s decisions are not mandatory, how does it govern?

The beauty of this structure is that it works to encourage its member orgs to work together towards a common cause. The council is there to decide the cause to work towards while the central body supports it by networking, communicating with member org leaders, and offering incentives in its programs to make the cause more profitable and appealing to the members.

Does the alliance collect taxes?

No. Any form of direct taxation in this alliance would be virtually impossible, as the council (which consists entirely of member org leaders) would have to vote to tax themselves. Even then, decisions from the council are optional for all member orgs, so each org could simply choose not to pay them.

If the alliance does not collect taxes, how does it earn credits to support itself and the activities of its central body?

When it comes to raising money to support the alliance’s goals, the central body will utilize fair programs that are meant to enhance the effectiveness of the community of orgs. For example, it may hold territories for alliance members to meet and charge landing fees to support them, garner profits from lending equipment and personnel to member org raids, or by buying and reselling stolen cargo and goods.


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