Cool Kids Club / TCKC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Smuggling
  • Security

Cool Kids Club is a secretive and exclusive organization of friends and comrades. We do what we all want and on our own terms, and always in keeping with the current meta.

We’re your Parple Bardie friends in space!


We exist.



Be cool or be square
We don’t care

But if you be a cop in space
You better watch your face

Or else we shave your cat bare


There once was a little space cop
Who only ate soy-flavored pork chops
But one day he ate too much
And fell on his crutch
And now he cant walk he just hops

shave your dick on the sky gnome’s udder disbelief
on the length of the flo rida
it is a long time to shove the birth of the bradford pears
but a short hop to the tramcar of the future beneficient
there are four, and only four; the longer and wronger the five the less weight have they in the grass roots underling
you scoff now, in your infancy
but there will be a reckoning
and your shortcomings shall come to the long
and it is then
that you will remember the words of your father
and the texture of his scrote
and the fury of his curry
when you visit the doctors Umberto and Haskilling
it is a long path dear tuckling
fraught with terrors
that you shall walk fearfully
and with a leavened load