Teutonic Knights of the Sky / TEUTS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Our Mission: Uphold the law, protect and serve the innocent.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat.


1198-1191: The foundation
Founded during the siege of 1189-1191 in Acre, we, the Teutonic Knights, the successors of the “Deutschritterorden” are keeping up the fight for a better world and will proudly give as a last consequence for this duty our lives.

20th Century
After WWII and the misusage of the of the sings and marks of “Deutschritterorden”, the “Deutschritterorden” focused on the spiritual guidance and primarly took care of the ill and aged.

2125: The Tragedy
Many Brothers and Sisters of our Order died in the attempt to help, serv and protect the people in the tragedy of Mars. Their sacrifice will be never forgotten and always be a inspiration for the following generations of Teutonic Knights.

2160: Mars Memorial
Deutschritterorden build a Memorial at the foot of the Freedom crater for our lost brothers and sister during the tragedy of the mars. For the pilgrim: It can be found at 47,3° N, 350,9° O.

2247: The loss
After the dissappearing of the 1st Colonial Flight 2232 and the fly prohibition in 2262 for the as “The Neso Triangle” known area, we also lost 210 souls of Brothers and Siters of the order in the year 2249. May there always be a place for them beside the stars.

2265: The conclave
Some Sisters and Brothers have lost the orientation since the start of space flight and colonization of the solar System. Therefore a conclave was called on Earth for all Members of the “Deutschritterorden”. The conclave lasted 7 exhausting weeks and ended with a voting of over 94% of the Members to support humanity on their space Expansion and keep up the mission of the Teutonic Knights: “Uphold the law, protect and serve the innocent”, even it is far of the origin of humanity.

2382: 1st Castle in the Croshaw System
In 2382 we have finished our first Castle for the “Deutschritterorden” in the Croshaw System. Due to mismanage in agrarian economy, the “Deutschritterorden” had from the very first much work to feed the poor and hopeless people in the new system. The Teutonic Knights gained much gratefulness and approval.

2438: First Contact with Aliens
2438 Humanity made contact with the Banu, an Alien Race. This discovery causes the faith of the “Deutschritterorden” to totter. An urgent council was called.

2439: The Council
The Discovery of the “Banu” brought many questions up. The council should set the direction for the next centuries of the order. Some Members wanted to rearm the “Deutschritterorden”, to be prepared to protect humanity as the did in the origin with the pilgrims for Jerusalem. Others wanted to concentrate on the spiritual guidance and still take care of the ill and aged.

With a marginal majority the coucil decided to keep up the way of the last centuries and not to rearm. But the also didn’t want to total ignore the fear and conern of some of the members. The founded a small Group of military observers. The Mission: Keep up and informed about the modern military Equipment and in a case of a threat for humanity or innocent people to rearm the Teutonic Knights without a big delay.

2460-2499: Exodus
Due to the overpopulation of Earth, many Settlers, adventurer and so on are leaving Earth to find a new place under stars on the founded colonies. The Teutonic Knights are offering support and spiritual guidance for many People outside the sol-system.

2465: Brotherhood
The “Deutschritterorden” bought their first own civilian Ship, the “Brotherhood”. It was the first of many vessels following in the next years. It should obtain Independence from corps, governments and so on. The first ships Crews where hired, but later, after the build of the first flight boot camp on Earth, the crews where selected more and more from own Members of the Order.

2518: Base on Terra
2518 The Base on “Terra” is finished. It is the most advanced base inside the “Deutschritterorden”. It has a high capacity Hospital, big storage for food and relief.

2541: Between the front lines
After the decision to support all casualties, no matter of race, in the war agains’t the “Tevarin”, nearly all ships of the Order where destroyed or damaged by pirates, UEE or the Tevarin. The unarmed ships didn’t stand a Chance not to be annihilated. The most loses where counted during the “Battle of Idris IV”. A Black Day for the Brothers and Sisters of our Order and humaneness.

2542: Rebuild
The high loses during the war against the Tevarin, the “Deutschritterorden” tried to regain strenght from their spirituality and their past. The military observers started to add the first tries of a Military chapter within “Deutschritterorden”. Since 2558 all Members must graduate a close- combat Training. Small Weapons a handed out to security personal.

2603-2610: Second Tevarian War
Again the “Deutschritterorden” are supporting bothsides with help, evacuation, food and so on. On ground missions the close-combat training keep the loses low, but the continuing leak of ship-armament keeps up high losses to the ships.

2621: Top-Gun
The Military observers, now promoted to Military advisors, are starting a Top-Gun program for spaceship pilotes. It’s based on top-gun program of the former “United States Navy Fighter Weapons School” from the 20th century on Earth. Due to leak of Military ships the main Content are avoiding maneuvers and training with virtual weapons.

2681: Vanduul
The “Deutschritterorden” Military advisors are integrating experience of the UEE into the training program.

2711: Preparation for the upcoming
To gain more funds for the upcoming Tasks and Duties the “Deutschritterorden” decided to build beside the humanity & military division a commercial and mining Division. First ships are ordered. It will strengthen the teutonic Knights.

2800: The Ark
Many Members of the “Deutschritterorden” see a new hope for a better world in the ark. The are questionning the armed part of the “Deutschritterorden”.

2900: The Beginning of a new war?
100 Years of a weak peace, but how Long will it continue? Raising Vanduuls raids, a weak UEE, pirates, Xi’An … the base for a new war is set.

2944: First Military Ships
Due the upcoming disorder the “Deutschritterorden” could obtain the first military ships. At the moment the first crews leaving the Top-Gun program are assigned to them. They shall protect and escort our humanity, support, cargo and mining missions. The First Commander of the Fleet is Natascha Kerensky.

To The Skies, Brothers and Sisters. Bring honor over “Deutschritterorden”. May the good always triumph over the dark in the universe.


You want to be a Teutonic Knight? A protector of the weak, poor and innocent?

Human? Alien? Nation? Color? Doesn’t matter at all! We need Brothers and Sisters with the heart like Mother Theresa, an iron will, fearless Tigers and teamplayers like a meber of a pack of wolves!

Sign In for a better place in Space.

*Line-Up: *

Man. Ship Variant Role No.
————- ———————————— ——————— ——————— ———
Aegis Avanger Warlock 1
Aegis Eclipse 1
Aegis Gladius 1
Aegis Gladius Valiant 1
Aegis Retaliator 1
Aegis Sabre Comet 1
Aegis Vanguard Harbinger 1
Aegis Vanguard Hoplite 1
Aegis Vulcan Support 1
Anvil Hornet F7C-S Ghost 1
Argo MPUV Cargo 1
CNOU Pioneer Multi 1
MISC Hull B Transport 1
MISC Hull C Transport 1
MISC Prospector Mining 1
MISC Reliant Kore Mini-Hauler 1
MISC Starfarer Gemini 1
RSI Aurora MR 1
RSI Constellation Andromeda 1
RSI Orion Mining 1
Man. Vehicle Variant Role No.
————- ———————————— ——————— ——————— ———
Aopoa Nox 2
DRAK Dragonfly Black 1
RSI Rover Lynx 1
RSI Rover Ursa 1
Tumbril Cyclone 1
Tumbril Cyclone AA 1
Tumbril Cyclone RN 1
Tumbril Cyclone RC 1
Tumbril Cyclone TR 1
Tumbril Nova Tank 1


  • TS3 required
  • English or German as language
  • 18+ (below only with trial phase)
  • No cheating, hacking, flamming and racism
  • Fair- and teamplay