Ambassadors / THEAMBASS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Security

The Ambassadors is an organisation aiming for peace between the lawful orgs.
Conflict won’t do any good and this is why we exist. Major Organisations that have an ambassador affiliated with us are able to communicate on an equal level to find solutions for their problems and we ensure their safety.


In human history, the ways of diplomacy always required patience.
Two people at conflict must first have a common ground before negotiations can begin.
Judges always were a higher force than the people being judged.
And only few of the people that fulfillled these tasks grew arrogant.

As the amount of people in the Star Citizen community grew, as random swiss dude thought that there’s something missing among all the organisations. Knowing how war between players could generate toxicity and unnecessary conflict he created “The Ambassadors” with the aim of preventing large scale conflicts that only cause pain for players, no matter if through diplomatic means or displays of combined might. He wanted to see a council consisting of ambassadors of big and influential organisations, not to unite them under one banner or to create a ruling force, he wanted to create common ground between the organisations, a place where the ambassadors may negotiate with each other without fearing death or harm.
“The Ambassadors” was made to ensure that these negotiations are safe and sound.
If his idea is delusional idealism, is not written yet, but that’s why we are here, to find out if there’s a possibilty of peace even with all the machines of war in the hands of the players.


If you’ve read what we are all about you should know that the primary objective of this organisation is not dominace or wealth.
We aim to create a good and friendly enviroment to play in for all players, new and old.
The primary mission at the moment is getting the biggest organisations to declare an ambassador to join us as an affiliate.
Is this goal reached and the game playable our true mission will begin.

We want to create a save and fun Verse through the means of diplomacy. If organisations with affiliates in our org have problems with each other they can come to us to ensure that there will be no bloodshed before, during and after diplomatic meetings, if it must be through military force.
If we are not stabilizing communication of orgs, we are a lawful org consisting of traders, engineers, medics, lawful mercenaries, basically anything that is on the bright side of the UEE law.
We can use any kind of players, warmongers and pirates excluded. It does not matter if you are a bounty hunter or an explorer, it does not even matter if this is your main organisation.

All that is important that when harmony is at risk and the Ambassadors call, you answer.

Our rules are pretty much the same as those in other orgs.
No racism, no immature behavior, no unnecessary drama etc.
Playing other games? No problem!
Age? Pffff, as long as you do not annoy anyone it does not matter if you are 60 or 14.
This is not a super serious org, so have fun and there’s no need to act all grown up all the time.

We are currently recruiting and building everything up and we are not in a rush, especially since the game might take some time.

Dear Reader
Speaking only for myself, I enjoy playing other games and I am not the most serious of players and I have no problem with you not being one of them either. Behave when you have to and it’ll all be fine but who mentioned anything about having to act grown up all the time? Have fun and I hope that I can count on you:


This organisation is lead by a council. The organisation members that have this as their main organisation and have at least the rank of Guard are allowed to vote for new council members, if there’s a need for either a new one or a replacement. Does the council not act as the organisation was inteded to, the council must be replaced.

Our rules are pretty much the same as those in other orgs.

No racism, no immature behavior, no unnecessary drama etc.
Playing other games? No problem!
Age? Pffff, as long as you do not annoy anyone it does not matter if you are 60 or 14.
This is not a super serious org, so have fun when the time and place is right (so basically almost always)