the Order of Chaos / THECHAOS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Exploration

“The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.”

“I know this ship like the back of my hand… BONK

Home of the first OoC expeditionary fleet of engineers. a.k.a. “The Tinker Fleet”


Observation Deck

OoC Tactical Command

Fleet Visual Records

- -- excerpts from the OoC historical archives on Mars: data cluster - Z646fGc

#stardate 51501

our vanguard has begun warping into the sector.
zeroe finds himself off course. vanduul swarm sighted.

#stardate 51502

flight school “aced”
weapon upgrades in progress.
spotted a fleet of TEST squadrons. joint maneuvers and combat exercises. beers were had.

#stardate 51503

yuri’s Mustang Alpha has warped into the sector, aligning orbit.
Furkettun of the Tactical Advance joins the fray.
consolidating hangars.

#stardate 51504

Admiral deSoto has commissioned an Constellation Andromeda vessel to serve as the fleets new flagship.

#stardate 51505

An envoy of the Wraiths of Asphodel has hailed. Future endeavours seem fruitful. beers were had.

#stardate 51506

miraculously the fleet of the Wraiths of Asphodel had a spare Constellation Taurus for us to use as a flagship. Admiral Soto has arrived in the sector and has taken temporary command of a Hornet until the overhaul of this AMAZING GIFT is complete and she comes out of drydock.

#stardate 51507

—-diplomatic records division—-zeta 3/55

One of our very own commanders has successfully passed the rigorous Aegis Dynamics Stress Tests, and has been made eligible for a licence upgrading his Mustang Alpha vessel to an Avenger Stalker, bringing more firepower and security to our fleet. May the escorts be safe!

#stardate 51508

fleet command dispatch – -

Captain BDG’s Constellation Andromeda “Captain Connie” joins the flotilla in a supporting role.

chief engineer’s log

supplemental -

through undeliberate tinkering with the holomatrix we have made a breakthrough in ROM research and have managed to add a KRUG Merlin P- 52 merlin to the simulator…however it’s code seems to be degenerating rapidly, making the program vanish within a week.

#stardate 51509

chief engineer’s log

video uplink to the Tinker Fleet’s TACCOM has been established. Please proceed to the viewing theatre.

supplemental -
Success! Through a glitch in the simulator known as “the grind” it has become possible to augment virtual armaments with upgraded variants. Badgers and Tarantulas have been seen frolicking through asteroid fields together. The caveat remains that these ROMS degrade after 7 days.

#stardate 51510

ship upgrades and modding in progress. those vanduul AI don’t stand a chance.

#stardate 51511

chief engineers log:

have begun taking a look at captain yuri’s decommissioned Mustang Alpha. With a bit of elbow grease we should be able to refit it as a “Gamma” variant for Commander Laiyo to peruse once he arrives in this sector, but since I’m an engineer the timeframe for completion may vary.

#stardate 51511

2.0 is here. Warpfields stabilizing. The fleet is warping in.

#stardate 62501

We’ve made some breakthroughs with the components on the 315p which should allow for an upgrade to mimic a 325A model. Shiny.

The Constellation Taurus of Admiral Soto has proved it’s mutli-crew functionality and has taken it’s place as the OoC’s mobile HQ in the Crusader System.

-- --*BEEP*...subspace transmission in progress...fetching further data


*the Order strives for excellence in our continuing mission:

to boldly go, construct, innovate, create and fly with honor.*

Fleet Roles & Capabilities:

Exploration & Pioneering
Research & Discovery
Engineering & Overclocking
Refueling & Repair
Legal Trade
Mining / Refining

Investigation & Reporting
Information Running
Security & Escort
Bounty Hunting

more specifically:

p. Engineering – A Manifesto

Engineering is not the handmaiden of physics any more than medicine is of biology”
What is science? And how is it different from engineering? The two disciplines are closely related and the differences seem subtle at first, but science and engineering ultimately have different goals.

A scientist attempts to gain knowledge about the underlying structure of the world using systematic observations and experimentation. Scientists are experts in dealing with doubt and uncertainty. As the great Richard Feynman pointed out: “When a scientist doesn’t know the answer to a problem, he is ignorant. When he has a hunch as to what the result is, he is uncertain. And when he is pretty darned sure of what the result is going to be, he is in some doubt” [1]. The body of science is a collection of statements of varying degrees of certainty, and in order to allow progress, scientists need to leave room for doubt. Without doubt and discussion there is no opportunity to explore the unknown or discover new insights about the structure and behaviour of the world.

In the same manner, the role of the engineer is to explore the realm of the unknown by systematically searching for new solutions to practical problems. Engineering is less about knowing (or not knowing), and more about doing; it is about dreaming how the world could be, rather than studying how it is. Engineers rely on scientific knowledge to design, build and control hardware and software, and therefore apply scientific insights to devise creative solutions to practical problems.

I bring up this seemingly superfluous topic because even seasoned journalists can confuse, perhaps unwillingly, the differences between the two endeavours. This article in the Guardian about the recent landing of Philae on Comet 67P refers to the great success of “scientists” on multiple occasions, but fails to give due credit to “engineers” by referring to their role only once. So, is landing a machine on an alien body hurtling through space a scientific or an engineering achievement?

There is certainly no straightforward answer to this question. Both scientists and engineers were indispensable in the success of the Rosetta program. However, in paying credit to the fantastic achievement of engineers involved in this space endeavour, I will leave you with this brief letter by three University of Bristol professors, that so poetically captures the essence of engineering:

Landing Philae on Comet 67P from the Rosetta probe is a fantastic achievement (One giant heartstopper, 14 November). A tremendous scientific experiment based on wonderful engineering. Engineering is the turning of a dream into a reality. So please give credit where credit is due – to the engineers. The success of the science is yet to be determined, depending on what we find out about the comet. Engineering is not the handmaiden of physics any more than medicine is of biology – all are of equal importance to our futures.

– Emeritus professor David Blockley, Professor Stuart Burgess, Professor Paul Weaver, University of Bristol

Man’s mind and spirit grow with the space in which they are allowed to operate.

— Krafft A. Ehricke, rocket pioneer.

A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.

Astronautics, issue 38, October 1937.

Everything looks nonsensical before it works.

— Burt Rutan, designer of SpaceShipOne, regards an experienced aerodynamicist who contacted him and said the design wouldn—t work. Remarks at Oshkosh AirVenture 2011.



“We the lifeforms of the United Federation of Planets determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and to reaffirm faith in the fundamental rights of sentient beings, in the dignity and worth of all lifeforms, in the equal rights of members of planetary systems large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of interstellar law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of living on all worlds…”


be excellent to each other.

manner game applies.

all art belongs to its respective owners.

have fun!

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