The Galactic Foreign Legion / THEGFL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Galactic Foreign Legion: A home to people who don’t have one.


The history of The Galactic Foreign Legion is deeply seeded in “hearsay and misinformation”.

Some say we are Mercs for hire, out to make money and operate the shadow of the law to achieve our goals.
Others say that we are a great help to those who need it.

Nothing else is known at this time.

End of transmission….


  • The Galactic Foreign Legion (GFL) is a South African based Private Military Contractor that will provide employment and refuge to any life form that has been cast out from their society providing their skills can be put to work to benefit the GFL and it’s members.
  • We can be hired for Protection, transport, debt collection, bounty hunting and/or anything else that falls in the “grey area” of the UEE law.
  • Some like to explore “The Black” of the verse, we operate in the grey.


  • The Galactic Foreign Legion is built on a very strong basis of mutual respect for anybody under it’s employment/affiliation, we follow a rank system to enforce that law and failure to comply will result in swift disciplinary action.
  • We do not care what an employee does on his/her spare time just as long as it does not tarnish The Galactic Foreign Legion’s reputation.
  • Members can come and go as they please.
  • Employment is based on a “will to work” basis, meaning that if you would like to make money the job is open and you are welcome to join.
  • The Galactic Foreign Legion will have a bounty board with list of HVT’s (High Valued Targets) and can be used by any member with the consent of the PMC, as well as regular contracted work by other Organizations in the verse.