The League of Extraordinary Captains / THELEAGUE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Exploration

If you’re looking for a fun Organization for Resource gathering, cargo transportation, exploration and other great features the game has check out or Org. Crew with our Captains, Join with your own multi-crew ship, or fly escort in a fighter.


We captains may not always see eye to eye, but we will always have each other’s backs. that is the foundation that we are founded on and the glue that holds us together. we have chosen to help each other, we have chosen to go to a new venture alone, but we have never left a fellow captain hanging out to dry. We have a long history of wanting to help each other progress for the good of the group and that will continue.

Founded: 2944



[Record Date: June 2950]

[File Name: Charter v1.0]

Alright, if you’ve gotten this far to read this then perhaps your in. Within the League, we have a simple set of ground rules to cover for in-game and out of the game. Below we’ll cover them, stay in line stay in the sky.

[Out of Game Conduct]

1. We’re all captains here, which means we treat each other with the respect one would treat a captain of stars.

2. We do not harass subordinates or other captains. That is beneath us, and it should be beneath you.

3. All people of every creed and every color can be captains. The only one who will ever hold your back is yourself and you are stronger than you know.

4. What captains do on their own time is of their concern. Do not let that affect you unless it involves you.

[In-Game Conduct[

1. All captains are equal except THE captain.

2. The Captain of the ship is always the captain.

3. Treat all captains how you would treat yourself when conducting business.

4. On another’s ship, they are the captain and you will listen to them as you would expect those on your ship to listen to you,