The Maw / THEMAW

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

The UEE has made you soft… weak… ripe for the taking…

We will feed on your fear as the illusion of safety crumbles around you!

Your civilization cannot be saved. Join us, or be devoured by The Maw!


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The following are excerpts of the personal log of James Chen, Executive Officer of The Sun Sail (civilian exploration vessel, Constellation class), which were attached to an emergency broadcast received by a UEE patrol in the Taranis system.


1925 hours March 10th, 2940

We arrived at the location from where The Victorious’ distress signal originated. The asteroid fields were interfering with our sensors, but we eventually found the wreckage of an Orion mining vessel. Shelton, Dawkins, and myself suited up for a tour of the derelict to see if there were any survivors. Aboard the ship there was widespread destruction and carnage. The corpse of a crewmen floated disemboweled across the galley; his dying scream still etched on his face. We found the pilot slumped over his console, a piece of cutlery protruding from the base of his skull. Blood marked a grisly trail from the mans corpse to the port bulkhead, where it had been smeared into a message; “Join Us Or Die!” I ordered my people back aboard The Sun Sail. Such savagery was beyond the pale, even for pirates. My immediate fear was that whoever (or whatever) did this to the mining crew might still be in the area, and we’d need all hands on deck to defend ourselves if they came back.

1950 hours March 10th, 2940 Sensors are picking up a minor heat fluctuation 15km aft.

1951 hours March 10th, 2940 MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Any vessel on this frequency, this is The Sun Sail. We’ve taken a direct hit to engineering. Propulsion is offline. Three unidentified vessels on an intercept course. Our coordinates to follow.


That was the last transmission received from The Sun Sail. The UEE patrol responding to the scene describes the condition of The Sun Sail in much the same way as XO Chen described The Victorious. The reporting officer indicated that there were no signs of pirates in the system, but that upon inspection of the derelict, “Join Us Or Die!” had been smeared across the wall of the cockpit in blood.

{nothing follows}


It begins. The United Earth Empire has grown weak, complacent. We will devour that which it has become, and anyone else who stands in our way. Cracks are forming in your walls. Each new day, more souls are consumed, and our ranks swell. Soon we will be upon you. Alone we are sparks in the darkness, together we are an inferno raging on the withering husk of your former glory. Fear us, we are coming. We will not stop until your legacy is a smoking ruin! The strong feast upon the weak – this is the natural order of things. We will annihilate your way of life. We will take what’s ours and leave you with nothing but screaming horror. We are the eyes that watch you, the hunter in the dark, the howl that haunts your dreams! We surround you. Examine the veneer of your civilization, and know that our agents operate within your hallowed institutions. Our ideas infect the minds of your children. Your society is an illusion, and you’ve deluded yourself into believing that it will keep you safe from us, but there is no safety! As you witness the last embers of its burning remnant casting light upon our masks, know that it was us that dragged you to the abyss. You ask, “Is there no middle ground? Can we reach some compromise?” We reply, “There can be no compromise between predator and prey.” Your time is nearing, and when it comes you will be offered the same choice as all those before you: Join us or die!


We stand for the liberation of the human mind, body and spirit from the brutal dominion of the United Earth Empire. We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not cease until all of humanity is free from the shackles of government oppression. No laws! No borders! No gods! No masters! Resist, unite, rise up, and fight! Never surrender! We are The Maw, join us or die!

To these ends, we will brook no peace with the UEE, it’s agents, supporters, or sympathizers.

We will tolerate no act or word of hatred from our ranks. We do what we do not because we hate (we do not), but because it is natural that the strong prey upon the weak. (Join us Or Die!)

Our membership will always conduct itself in accordance with this charter, and with the best interest of The Maw and it’s members in mind.