The Mockers / THEMOCKERS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Smuggling

Whether due to outrunning the law, advancing your ambitions, or to find your target – Our motto is Run Faster.

An anti-UEE organization, we choose to still be respectable members of the Community while upholding our values of Freedom, Profit, and Opportunity.


The Mockers was officially founded in Anarchy Online in the city of Athens on March 15th, 29483 Rubi-Ka Time, also known as 2002 AD. The organization quickly grew and developed into a famous organization in Anarchy Online recognized by both developers and the community for our unforgettable demeanor, our social panache and our ability to organize fun events and opportunities for the community.

The Mockers was initially a Fixer Only guild on Anarchy Online – a class that is steeped in its mystique as a speed blazing, jack-of-all-trades. Wielding a sub-machine gun and the only class able to use a phase enveloping Grid Armor which was the icon of all Fixers. They were masters of The Grid which was the information super-highway for all of Rubi-Ka – even having their own special access to The Fixer Grid which permitted special group access for fast travel around the corporeal world.

The Mockers organization prospered by having a Fixer only recruitment philosophy for many years – able to attract the kind of players which found the mystique of the Fixer to be appealing. This generated a like-minded guild of entrepreneurs which laid the foundation for user generated content, political intrigue, and a selective recruitment process. Ideals which we still hold on to this day.

The Mockers were able to thrive for eight years in Anarchy Online led by various individuals which The Mockers prospered under. The Mockers successfully ran the gamut of in game content from Notum Wars (PVP), Market competition, PVE as well as user generated content and services . This longevity and pattern of success earned us many accolades for being one of the oldest guilds in Anarchy Online as listed below :

Although The Mockers still exist in Anarchy Online, the last Boss of The Mockers on Anarchy Online, Tekerton, granted a charter to widen operations to include previously untapped sectors of the galaxy to further our reputation and wealth.

Since then, The Mockers moved to EVE Online and grew and prospered as a Low Security Alliance which built a small empire nestled away between the Empires. Trading goods, illicit substances, trading in political information and fighting alongside good friends, the Mockers flourished in EVE Online. When Star Citizen was announced and had become a solid possibility, we announced our decision to prepare for the Star Citizen release.


The manacles of slavery are easily shrouded by the assurance of freedom

The time has come for humanity to defend itself, not from the Vanduul or the Xi’An, but from the threat of the UEE, the disease of repression and corruption manifest within the established order. Too long has the UEE held sway over each of us, too long has the UEE failed to deliver on its promises of a better universe for humanity. We must band together, find common cause and destroy the greatest threat to humanity since we began to expand into the stars. Some would err on the side of negotiation and call for peaceful processes, but the time for debate and deliberation has long since passed, open rebellion is the only course remaining. Only through disorder and bloodshed shall we be free of the UEE!

The only thing the UEE truly supports and protects is itself; the disgraceful, power hungry officials who call themselves the representatives of the human race progress only their goals and nurture only their wallets, ensuring they are constantly lined with the results of our hard earned livelihoods. The UEE claims to represent, to uphold, to progress, and to protect the best interests of humanity throughout the galaxy – but despite this our human family struggles and dies needlessly to leave something better for those that come after us. The UEE feasts upon our bountiful harvests with the one hand while dangling the promises of “citizenship” and “freedom” with the other.

For too long have we allowed the politicians and military elite to determine our course in history. Too long have we stood by while the UEE squanders away everything that we, the salt of the “Empire”, have toiled, fought, and bled for. Through its thirst for power the UEE has brought ruin and desolation to the galaxy, destroying the reputation of humanity as a whole and leaving outlying colonies and planets vulnerable to raids at the hands of the Vanduul. The great Empire of mankind can no longer support its weight. Our leaders have bankrupted us, destroying the hopes of our future through their corrupt and immoral spending. Political pet projects like the SynthWorld and the Ark are but the most egregious examples of the UEE’s dedication to pouring endless amounts of money into schemes doomed to failure.

Now is the time to unite as one voice, now is the time to rise up against the corrupt and decrepit regime of the UEE. Together, as The Mockers, we will lead mankind in overthrowing the UEE to free humanity from the shackles of its corrupt and malignant reign, bringing forth the dawn of a new age of freedom and prosperity for the galaxy. Honorable Mockers already stand in open revolt against the tide of the UEE, fighting for each man, woman, and child of humanity, but they cannot sustain this fight alone, humanity need you to stand with them.

The Mockers Renegades seeks allies from individuals seeking a home, to squadrons looking for a purpose, to corporate executives wanting to make an impact. All occupations have a role to play; from combat pilots and marines taking the fight to the enemy, to ship crew and mechanics keeping units in the fight, to smugglers and logistics workers feeding the engines of war, to journalists and agitators carrying the cries of the suffering and our message of hope across the colonies of humanity. Together, we can open the doors to a new future.

We can no longer stand by while our society collapses under the strain of its government’s failures. Join The Mockers! Join the Cause!

~ Archon, Agent of the Mockers


How The Mockers operate

Welcome, and allow me be the first to usher you into the society that is The Mockers. Since the Ides of March, 2002, The Mockers have cultivated lucrative and enjoyable experiences across gaming platforms such as Anarchy Online and EVE Online. We have ensured our continued success by building a community of like-minded individuals endeavoring to work together in the pursuit of destabilizing the status quo, player made content, and the pursuit of profit. We hope you will continue to build upon that legacy by joining us. Whether due to outrunning the law, advancing your ambitions, or to find your target – Our motto is Run Faster.

~Bastet, Boss of The Mockers (2012-Present)

Unlike many large gaming organizations, battle tested experience has proven to The Mockers that small, semi-autonomous groups working under a minimal command structure provides the organization with remarkable results. Each outfit, while loosely aligned to the overall Mockers agenda, becomes free to exploit critical opportunities often found to be unattainable by larger, rigid units. Additionally, this also allows outfits to pursue individual goals, allowing for diverse experiences without having to rely on organizational leadership to do all the lifting. We call these units “Outfits”.

Before you delve into how we operate, ensure you have read and understood the entirety of our Manifesto as it will provide you with an awareness of our current goals and what we stand for as an open rebellion within Star Citizen.

Recruitment Guide and Process

Should I join The Mockers?

Do you want to challenge the status quo and still be a respectable human being in the process? Then you should apply and explore the organization. We set an atmosphere of “Player Made Content” that also focuses on how we can stack the odds in our favor through creative means. We encourage individuals or small groups of friends to join. To join The Mockers, first you must apply to the organization through Discord at We will acknowledge you as a Prospect, and have a Recruiter have a brief discussion with you about:
  • Ensure you are above 18 years old,
  • Discover what your interests will be.
  • Get a sense of your personality.
  • Make sure that we are a good fit for each other.

If you are a group of players coming together, we will do a group interview and just get a sense of your direction in the game and make sure we can fill each others’ needs. After your prospect phase is over, we will accept your application and you will be given the rank of Pledge, to represent that you are pledging to the organization.

Life as a Pledge

The title of Pledge lets others in the organization know that you are new, and to give you an extra hand to get you established. As well, if you don’t have an Outfit when you join, this will make sure that you can find a group of like minded Mockers to play with. You must stay a Pledge for 45 days minimum.
To graduate from being a pledge, you must be part of and have the unanimous sponsorship of all the members of your Outfit.
After you have advanced to being a Soldier, you will be a full member of The Mockers! With the ability to start your own Outfit, and other perks and advantages.

Continued membership

Your membership is valid as long as you are actively playing with The Mockers and adhering to the Rules listed above. If you are absent for more than 90 days in game or on Discord, or on the Forums, we will review your application, attempt to reach out to you, and if activity isn’t renewed or given an exception by The Administration for some reason, you will be removed from the in game organization, and your access returned to an ordinary member on all communication tools.

For the sake of brevity on a public format, further instructions on how to advance within the organization are listed on our private forums.


Within The Mockers we operate in semi-autonomous units called Outfits, each of which has its own direction under the umbrella of The Mockers. Whether it be in combat, managing logistics, operating outside legal tradelines as smugglers, deep space exploration, or any other venture. Depending on where you decide to focus, we will reward your Outfit on how well you succeed in your goals; whether through fame, fortune or respect.

Outfits can choose three major focuses:

Combat – e.g. Fighter Combat, Marine Combat, Capital Ship Combat
Logistics – e.g. Smuggling, Exploration, Mechanics, Salvage, Search And Rescue
Propaganda – e.g. News Reporters, Espionage, Diplomacy

We encourage initiative, self-organization and free thinking from each outfit, but always keep in mind the following critical guidelines of The Mockers.


  1. Understand and follow the current operational goals and directives set forth by the Administration. Do not share these outside of the organization.
  2. The Mockers and its members must be treated with respect.
  3. Find your purpose within The Mockers and work together to advocate our cause across the universe. Provide any assistance necessary to other Mockers when possible.
  4. Become a Leader by proving you are a Leader. Leadership is one of the few ranks of honor within the organization. Be respectful of authority.
  5. Do not appropriate other Mockers’ assets.
  6. Avoid friendly contact with anyone blacklisted by the organization.
  7. An attack on one is an attack on all. Avenge anyone who harms us.
  8. Promote and motivate yourself as well as those Mockers around you. At times we will ask for contributions to achieve certain goals. You take care of The Mockers, and we will take care of you.
  9. People who can’t be part of The Mockers: anyone who griefs or doesn’t hold to our causes values.
  10. Full membership into the organization requires that one is sponsored and vouched for after they Pledge.

Branches and Honorifics

Branches of Outfits:


  • Everyone starts in the Renegades branch. You will form an outfit here, self-organize here and prosper here. You will start as a pledge and then elevate yourself in status.
  • We encourage you to bring your own group of friends to play together, make new friends and grow by recruiting.
  • Formed by any full member by getting support from at least 3 other Mockers for their ideas and goals and getting approval from the Administration.
  • Choose your own focus and be given goals to achieve Elite status.


  • The administration runs the overall planning of The Mockers’ day to day problem solving.
  • They are responsible for many tasks that keep a healthy organization operating.
  • Encouraging recruitment, managing the progress of prospects into the organization, and approving advancement in the organization.
  • Establishing current goals for the organization, keeping the Outfit leadership organized, coordinating the maintenance of the tools and websites that keep the organization communicating.
  • Dealing with diplomatic situations with other organizations.
  • Administration roles start at Fixer.


  1. Boss : An executive leader of the Administration.
  2. Counselor: An administrator who provides counsel more than leadership.
  3. Handler: An Outfit leader
  4. Agent: A full member of the organization.
  5. Pledge: A new member who is waiting to get sponsored and vouched into the Renegades faction.
  6. Prospect: Someone who is interested in joining The Mockers.
  7. Collaborator: A friend of the organization at large.