Excalibur Interplanetary Space Station / THEPIT

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Greetings Citizen. Hanger 37-J9 is clear for landing.

Excalibur ISS is open to all citizens regardless of age, gender, time zone or language spoken.

Gain organization benefits with no directives, commitments or restrictions.

Play solo or in groups.

Play any Star Citizen Pilot role you want.


  • The year was 2546, the newly elected Prime Citizen, Ivar Messer, first act to “protect” humanity was the approval of more resources to be allocated for the Advocacy and military with the amended inclusion for the construction of a super space station. The station would serve as a focal point for the military to operate from to better deal with any foreseeable threats humanity may come up against. Upon the stations completion Messer christened it, Excalibur! The station represented a symbol of unity and a bastion for all of humanity. Or so it was what everyone was led to believe. In truth, Excalibur was a declaration of Imperator Messers supremacy.
  • The year was 2792, the end of the Messer era. The newly appointed Imperator, Erin Toi, first act was to decommission the Excalibur space station and refit it for commercialization as an emporium and trade nexus. Excalibur now represented a new hope and start for humanity. Citizens from all across the UEE jumped at the opportunities that Excalibur presented and it wasn’t long before the station quickly filled with mercantile establishments, private organizations and a diverse number of leisure facilities. One such leisure facility is called The Pit.
  • The year is 2945. The Pit has had a number of proprietors in the last 150 years. On a few occasions The Pit has switched ownership by less than scrupulous means but it’s motto has never changed. What happens in The Pit, stays in The Pit. This motto has ensured privacy for all whom value it. In recent years The Pit has been referred to as making a “Pit stop”, usually spoken by the new generation of hotshot pilots looking to make their mark in the verse. It’s rumored that the military secretly operates from the station or that perhaps some fanatical Messer faction still resides there.

When a ship arrives at the EISS its identification code is scanned then stored in a shielded encrypted computer core. This information is used to keep track of docking and hanger fees, maintenance and refueling fees. The data collected is also for monitoring the amount of traffic the EISS handles per year and for tax purposes.



The EISS was formed for all citizens across the verse that are looking for a place to hang their helmet. Our members gain the benefits associated with belonging in an organization but without having to deal with any directives, commitments, restrictions or politics that are usually associated with an organization.

As a true Star Citizen Pilot you’ll maintain your independence and priviacy because you’ll govern yourself by your own rules. There are no organization directives telling you what you can or can not do to make your mark in the verse.

If you like to fly with others then feel free to form regular groups or join a temporary one. The groups you make or join needn’t be limited to our own organization members or its allies. You’re free to group with whomever you want regardless of their faction or reputation. Prefer to go it solo, no problem, we respect that, fire up your engines and have a safe journey.


  • All members have the same rights, privileges and rank.
  • All members are free to play any roles and occupations they wish.
  • All main members have the ability to recruit new citizens.
  • Affiliation with other organizations is encouraged.
  • No restrictions on Membership Status. You can be Visible, Hidden or Redacted
  • No personal information (name, age, gender, location or email) is required to join.


The EISS is being used solely as the frontend for recruitment purposes so that its members can gain the benefits associated with being a part of an organization. Beyond that the EISS should only be viewed as a riole-playing setting for its members and not as an organization per se.

Now, since the EISS is not viewed as an organization, its members will not be burdened with organization commitments or have restrictions placed upon them. All members are encouraged to operate out of The Pit as if it were a common ground where all sentient beings congregate.

On a wider scope, every organization in the UEE can be represented or operate out of the EISS and their respective members may even choose to be affiliated qith the EISS Organization.


The Pit is a bar which is an additional role-playing element I added to the EISS for members that enjoy role playing. The Pit is also the means from which I defined the organizations structure. Let me explain.

The Pit is very much the same as the Cantine bar in the Mos Eisley spaceport, which in turn is replaced with the Excalibur Interplanetary Space Station.

Imagine if you will, leaving one of EISS hangers, traveling down to the lowest level of the station and moving along a few side corridors then entering The Pit. The band is ripping some tunes and the place is bustling with all sorts of races with varying lifestyles and professions. Inside The Pit there are traders, smugglers, bounty hunters, miners, pirates, you name it. The place is a self regulated neutral zone so to speak. Like you they’ve gathered here for one reason or another, and like you their business is their own. Which brings us to you, why are you here?

Maybe you’re here to have a drink before setting out on your own or perhaps you’re picking up a contract or looking for some able pilots to help with a job. Whatever the reason, you’re in charge and you call your own shots. Though you’ll operate out of The Pit you’’ll have no actual affiliation with it. Meaning there are no governing organization directives to restrict how you choose to play your characters. When you’re not in The Pit you’re wandering about elsewhere in another part of the station. This simply opens up more role-playing elements for everyone.


In an ideal universe every citizen would be willing to assist one another, share information etc, etc. Doing so makes for a stronger community within the organization and I encourage members to take advantage of cooperative play whenever possible. But as this is a non-obligatory structured organization, every member will have to decide for themselves when, how often and how much they want to commit or get involved with other members. Unless your part of a tight knit group, a good rule of thumb will be to not expect anyone to drop whatever they’re doing to assist you or to place themselves at risk of being killed and having their ship(s) destroyed.


The EISS has no directives, commitments or restrictions placed on its members but that’s not to say that it’s a free for all. To maintain a functioning organization that is able to provide an enjoyable gaming experience for its members there is one governing rule and one inherent guideline that I feel is at the heart of every organization.


All members agree to abide by the following rule.
  1. You are responsible for your own actions and are subject to the sequential consequences of those actions.

The above rule includes but is not limited to the following

  • The role(s) you choose to play in the persistent universe fall squarely on your own shoulders and no one elses.

In short, use common sense. If you’re unsure about something, ask in-game or on the forum.


All members agree to abide by the following guideline.
  1. No abusive behavior or disruptive gameplay.
The above guideline includes but is not limited to the following
  • No excessive abusive language within the organizations main communication channels.
  • Attacking, Acts of Piracy, Backstabbing, Extortion, Racketeering, Theft, etc.., is not allowed against our own main members and is overly destructive to the organization as a whole. Even if all parties involved are in agreement of such actions, this type of gameplay will definitely lead to conflicts between our members. Everyone else is fair game.

In short, respect and do no harm to our own members. The occasional abusive language may be tolerated but it’s best to end it quickly or take the conversation to private messages.