Star-Spawn-of-Cthulhu / THULHU

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing


- when the Stars are Right -


Star-Spawn-of-Thulhu looking for other Space Cultists

About my and CTHUHLHUs dream:

A small cult of crazy cyber cthulhu cultists finally reaching and touching the outer gods… ngai ngai… tentacls ahead!

if YOU wanna join some crazy german and english cosmic horror roleplay cult and mix it into the verse of Star Citizen?!

so when the stars are right and the epic dreamcycle of this newborn verse has fully startet, this cosmic cult needs some sacrificals and dark energy to open the gates of YOG-SOTHOTH !

And maybe we will came in touch with the dream of AZATHOTH and run full throttle into madness while reaching the highest of all Mountains: The Unknown Kadath; where the old gods dances around the summit to quietly slumbering, piping whistels and dark necromantic drums.


Sounds like a Dream Goal? xD … and whats your’s?! Hastur’s Agents or Dark Young Lovers are also welcome!

Just some Lovecraft-Circle interessts or some Cosmic-Horror-Roleplay-Knowlegde would be great.

And together we can reach Yuggoth, Carcosa and Beyond…


In deep Memory and dedicated to Howard Phillips Lovecraft and his great circle of visionaris.

We will still follow your path’s! From 1890 till 2950 and beyond.


For some ingame multicrew action we can provide a science and exploration fleet; as well as a corvette and other gunship combat fleet.

They’re just need to be manned!


We are also looking towards some EU-RPG-Based-Alliance or Meta-Org-Planning for the beta phase and the final game.
In a few years! And ya good relationships need time to grow!

And dont be afraid we are NOT evil… THULHU is either good or evil… THULHUs thoughts are way beyond such man made meaningless definitions. we should be happy that our minds are way to small for further analysis. cause the next level is full madness!

>> other RPG-org Diplomats are also welcome! <<



phnglui mglw nafh cthulhu r’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
try to spell it, if ya can .. xD

:Rpg on:

An das erste Erwachen seines Geistes konnte er sich nicht mehr errinnern, aber wer kann das schon!?

Jedoch das Annähern an das verworrone, in sich verdrehte Abbild eines Tentakel Bärtigen Träumers hatte seinen Geist erneut zum Erwachen und Schwingen gebracht. Bis hin zu dem Ziel ein selbst Teil des großes Mythos zu werden und in einen Tagebuch des JCtulhu die Reise zu den Sternen und den Okkult-Techno-Magische anmutiger Wunder dieser neuen Welt niederzuschreiben und mithilfe sog. “Abbilder dieser Pseudo-Realität” zu dokumentieren.

Und Er würde versuchen auf diese Weise den Kult des Cthulhu ins Jahr 2950+ mitnehmen.
Long Live H P Lovecraft and his great circle of visionaires!

Er würde einige Helfer benötigen, aber er war sicher er würde sie finden..

Seine Ideen, die er entwickelte, platzten zu schnell durch seinen Kopf und Gehirn, sodass er dachte von schräg- hinten von Gatling-Gun Schüssen zerfetzt zu werden. Beim Tentakel! ;.; Das wird ein Spaß! … waren seine letzten eigenständigen Gedanken in diesem Moment.

Der erste Schritt und Eintrag wart getan und es würden noch viele folgen. ….

:RPG off:


…but we also do ‘normal’ stuff, like exploration, combat and scienc also as freelancing etc

For some ingame multicrew action we can provide a science and exploration fleet; as well as a bigger corvette and other gunship combat fleet.
also as a KrakenMarket-HQ-Flagship.

they’re just need to be manned.

We are also looking towards some EU-RPG-Based-Alliance or Meta-Org-Planning for the beta phase and the final game.
In a few years! And ya good relationships need time to grow!

- >so other RPG-org Diplomats are also welcome! < –
