Legionem ex Titanis / TITANIS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Where puppet governments & trading barons control minds, we will preach.

When false prophets & heretics do tread, we will hunt.

If the armies of the traitorous Xenos dare march, we will battle.

We are Legion…

Inquisitor Maladrix – Book of Advent


The story of the Legion of Titans begins with a massively wealthy, charismatic, kind but cowardly tech-industrialist named Gaius Paul II. Bored with his frivolous lifestyle he purchased the colonisation and terraforming rights to all of Saturn’s moons, which up to this point had little more than minor mining outposts and the occasional Corsair ship hiding from the UEE forces.

He built his base on Titan, and protected by his companies Private Military Force known as “The Legion” he began to expand. He used The Legion to clear the moons of all the pirate life & used bribes and threats to take over the other mining companies, so the moons were his both legally and practically.

With the infrastructure intact the call was sent out for settlers, the poor, those with nothing to lose and those wanting a fresh start flocked to Titan. As the manpower and wealth flowed, Gaius’s Micro Empire grew and in just twenty years he had cities on all the more easily terraformed moons of Saturn and on the more difficult ones he set up industrial bases to scour them for their wealth.

Within those twenty years not only did the empire grow, The Cult of Gaius was formed in the poorer parts of his Empire, as time went on the Cult saw him as their Savior and while only the more fanatical would call him divine, they were a growing minority. As the Cult grew so did its influence, Generals, Admirals, Trade Barons even some of Gaius’s advisers started to see him as more than he was, more than just a kind, rich man. Gaius heard these rumours and they humoured him, he was vastly underestimating the lengths at which this “faith” had spread.

Sixty years pass, Gaius’s empire had started calling itself the Titonian Enclave, it had grown to have population citadels on all of Saturn’s moon’s with completely automated mining procedures scouring their mineral wealth. Scoop Mining had even begun on Saturn’s rings in search off heavier metals and precious elements found there. Trade fleets left Saturn’s gravity well on an hourly basis, bringing untold amounts of wealth back into the Enclave’s coffers.

Over the decades Gaius had kept his youthful charm although his internal body was becoming increasingly old, he had nearly witnessed a century. The technology that slowed his aging process was not widely available and was unknown to the masses, this only encouraged the Cult further, “surely he must be touched by the gods!”. The population on Titan and the other moons numbered in their billions and his military was much larger than it needed to be, this worried the Leaders on Earth, they organised a political delegation to be sent to Titan and meet with Gaius and judge his intentions.

Gaius organised it so that his Honour Guard would greet the delegation with all the pomp and ceremony of the militaries of the late 18th Century, he wanted them slightly intimidated but also impressed before he met with them.

The members of the Honour Guard were wary of “other Humans” those who would still rather live under the regressive government on Earth. The Grand Master of the Honour Guard was also a secret but fervent believer in the Cult of Gaius and made sure all the officers in the Honour Guard were too, Gaius without fully knowing had an army of thousands fanatically loyal to him and ready to die at his command.

When the delegation arrived on Titan it witnessed the ceremony laid before them by Gaius, impressive as it was, the thought that was still in the back of their minds, why does a glorified Trader need such a defense force – if Intelligence reports were to be believed – numbering roughly one million men and women?

One thousand Soldiers in full battledress stood to attention before the shuttle, they were led to Gaius’s residence. After a large banquet held in the delegates honour, the delegation was led to Gaius’s Inner Sanctum.

Many hours had passed, Gaius’s advisers were becoming increasingly impatient as the meeting was only supposed to last a couple of hours, they knew the UEE was worried about the Enclave’s growth and support, it had been mentioned enough in the News broadcasts in both the Enclave and the greater Sol system.

The hour grew late and Officers of the Honour Guard were shocked into action by gunshots and rushed to Gaius’s office chambers, there laid the entire delegation dead except one, who had somehow managed to send out a encoded message before succumbing to their wounds. To their alarm, Gaius was nowhere to be found, confusion reigned until the discovery that his personal shuttle was missing, it was agreed that the Rank and File would not learn of Gaius’s unexplained disappearance, abduction was broadcast by the media. Although their leader had disappeared, the most pressing matter would be mobilising the Enclave’s military.

It didn’t take long for the UEE to reply to this outrage…

Two full battlefleets were detected on deep space radar, The Legions on Titan and the other moons had already fully mobilised 60% of their forces. Most of the Generals thought their only hope to win would be if they could drag the UEE’s forces into a ground invasion, they would just have to withstand the orbital bombardment first, hope and pray they they don’t lose too many men before the UEE decides to commit ground troops.

A rising Admiral known for her audacious attacks and defense in the Legions Wargames disagreed with this course of action, persuading the other Admirals that they could use their small but able fleet to commit to fast boarding actions and take the fight to the enemies, sending their capital ships into disarray, controlling the fight and not letting Earth’s forces get comfortable up in orbit.

They say plans never survive first contact, this was no different. Earth’s finest had been tipped off to the attack by a few Agents hidden in the upper echelons of Enclave’s military forces – no doubt sleeper agents who had worked their way up in the Enclave Military – and they informed the UEE of boarding action before the Legion had even boarded their own ships. The Enclaves forces were intercepted in a devastating battle above Titan even though the plan had failed they still managed to disable 2 of the UEE’s Capital ships, although of 55% of the Enclave’s navy was destroyed or disabled.

Over the next few months the UEE invaded the weaker planets of the Enclave, the Industrial worlds the smaller cities, until only Titan was left. It would be the hardest challenge of all, its surface based Orbital Defense guns were formidable indeed, not to mention the tens of thousands of men still ready to fight to the last defending their Homeworld, although the losses on the other moons had been significant, so were the UEE’s casualties, So moral was still steady, if not buoyant. The UEE needed to end the war, they had lost thousands of men to the Enclave’s military as well as fanatical partisans still fighting the occupier on the other moons surrounding Saturn… Earth couldn’t afford to just siege Titan from space until they surrendered, they had to end this and the end justified the means, still with thousands of Soldiers left ready for battle with more reinforcements entering the system daily the UEE attacked Titan…

The last orders were forced on individual platoons to retreat while the battle for Titan still raged, while their brothers and sisters died around them, men and women were asked to take what little remained of the fleet and retreat to the more feral parts of the cosmos, rebuild and strike out at Earth. The men and women were given the name “Legion of Titans” and told that as least initially they must not fly together as this would raise suspicion, they were to wait til Earth had celebrated their victory and content that the Enclave was utterly defeated, Only then could they regroup, only when strengthened could they hope to cause pain and suffering to the UEE, only then could they avenge the fallen…

Many months had passed until the UEE claimed victory, their propaganda footage of the “The rout of the Enclave” – as they were calling it – was a whitewash… Victorious and fresh faces who hadn’t seen war, marching through the streets of ruined cities, the cameramen always wary not to capture the UEE ships that were brought down by Orbital Defense weaponry or the massive destruction caused by an embarrassed UEE military. People who wanted to learn the truth or tried to expose it quickly went missing, there were too many families mourning lost ones for it to have been as easy as the UEE let on, too many training exercise casualties or warp core malfunctions. The Leaders of Earth thought the Enclave had been finished on Titan that the Honour Guard had died to the last, they were wrong.

Questions remain, what happened to Gaius, where was he taken by the UEE or did he abandon the Enclave to its fate?

So we come to the present, the UEE seems to have forgotten about the War with the Enclave, more interested in the disgusting Xeno forces and holding onto their own power.

The Legion never sleeps and never forgets…


The Legions Manifesto is as follows:
- Gather our strength, only when strong, organised and numerous can we hope to defeat the UEE.

- Our main way of combating the UEE until we are strong is piracy, hit them where they are weak, destroy their trade fleets, take what makes them strong and use it for our aims, such is the way of the Legion.

- Establish a Smuggling network inside the UEE, use their own money to make the Legion strong.

- We are to discover what happened to our esteemed leader Gaius Paul II… Even if it is just confirming our fears.

Remember Legionnaires, the Legion never sleeps.


Legionnaires! You as members of the Legionem Ex Titanis are to go forth and cause pain and suffering to the UEE forces and anyone who alignes with them, there are no innocents in this conflict, all who look to the UEE’s protection are just as guilty as the UEE forces that devastated Titan.

We are to continue the Holy war against the UEE until they are defeated or our bodies float cold in space or in the ground, there is no true victory but total victory and no true defeat but utter annihilation.

The ways of our war will be varied but all want to achieve the same thing. Join their military and work with them, learn their strengths and bare witness to their weakness, raid their fleets, bring us their wealth, Trade illicit items to their weak populations, the wealth flows back to the Legion, you are still doing its work.

We are to link up with as many of “The Thousand” as we can, these men and women are the lifeblood of the Legion until they are found dead or alive they will always be high priority, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the aid of other like minded souls who despise the UEE. Even these lower Humans can still be of use.

The rumours of Gaius abandoning us on Titan are a heresy and will be treated as such, our Leader was taken from us by the UEE and hopefully – if he still breathes – his vision will help us in the coming years, but if he is indeed dead… The UEE will suffer tenfold…

Go forth into the stars Legionnaires, the Legion is watching… Always.