Tevarin Militia / TMIL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Security

STRIKE FAST , STRIKE TRUE!!! That’s our motto here at the Tevarin Military. We specialize in military tactics similar to Guerrilla warfare. We conduct training and events to ensure victory when dealing with larger organizations, due to our speedy and maneuverable nature and decentralized military


QUICK DISCLAIMER: (You do NOT need to identify as Tevarin or be limited to Tevarin ships and equipment. The naming is for those who like the Lore RP. Also we do Have many industry gameplay loops within the org)

After the fall of Kaleeth many Tevarin families and refugees fled to Banu and Xi’an space the more cowardice of our people chose to join the very enemies who slaughtered they’re people. After the loss of our home world Kaleeth, The mighty Tevarin Warlord Corath’Thal had fled to Banu space to rebuild his great army and engaged in the second Tevarin war. However even with our help it was not enough.

We retreated deep into Xi’an Space, Although the Xi’an allowed us to live within they’re borders they would not let us step foot on they’re soils as to have plausible deniability of harboring fugitives on Xi’an Soil so we were given refugee hidden amongst the vast floating Huichuai’Syen Asteroid belt in the Ail’Ka system that guarded us from U.E.E eyes and scanners. Were we could rebuild amongst the stars and move about freely in the shadows of the belt.

Growing in power and strength while rebuilding for a life free of pain and suffering. We started gaining the numbers to fight back against those who took so much from us, after years of hiding we started to notice we were not the only ones devastated by the U.E.E’s reign. Many ex soldiers and civilians of the U.E.E were wronged in life and chose to flee their control. Willing to take life in their own hands and deciding their own fates, We welcomed them and offered a chance to fight back against those who wronged them.

Being amongst the asteroids taught us to stay nimble and to move unseen again as our Naulle ancestors once did. Now almost Three and half centuries after our Crippling defeat on Kaleeth and the biggest sacrifice of our people “The Tears of Fire” we are now ready to begin again. We have learned the way of our enemies, learned they’re tactics, planted our own Tevarin spy’s amongst they’re people and Government.. Now.. Now we strike true at the heart of those who burned us from our home!! Now we Claim Back what is rightfully ours!!! We Stand together Not in a Bond of Blood and Loss.. but one of Strength and Freedom. Together we Strike Fast & Strike True.. Together we are.. The Tevarin Military!!!


Due to our Nomadic Military Style we deploy unorthodox and unconventional means of warfare to weaken and surround larger organizations.

This includes but is not limited to.
1. Enemy intelligence gathering.
2. Ambushing unprepared patrols or fleets.
3. Deception and Sabotage.
4. Espionage.
5. Wars of attrition.

The Tevarin Military will be a collective of Decentralized Military Groups and Squadrens to Avoid a full out assault on a central hub or headquarters. You as a squad or platoon may have a base of your own that is your right of course, however the entire org will not be grouped to a headquartes locked into one place or system. We aim to consist of several flag ships capable of housing the org and offer supplies trade and other services while also being mobile and avoiding enemy tracking.

The Tevarin Military will NOT only consist of fighters and warmongering. We will also require many org members in the industry trades to assist in filling the war chest. We are open to all styles of gameplay and will host PvP, PvE, and industry gameplay events so everyone has a chance to play and or experience the gameplay they desire.

Already have a group of People you play with? No problem, With the Tevarin Military you can be the leader of your own group or squad and we will even assign you a specialty role with your squad or groups name in discord , where you can host or join events as a unit or individually.


1. Respect each other (Racism, sexism, any of the other ism’s will not be tolerated).

2.Remember its just a game don’t forget to have fun above all else. ( if your not getting along with a squad request to be moved or create your own within the org)

3. By no means are you forced to only play with an assigned squad, if you would like to create a squad put in a request. we will train you or a member of your choosing to be a sergeant or captain of a squad so that you may be more comfortable with your buddies in your own squad during org events.

4. You DO NOT need to join our military forces to join this org, we have many divisions within the org. science divison, mining divsion, and cargo division to name a few. we are interested in having all gameplay loops be apart of this org.

5. We are nomadic so the Military will be run out of several flag ships that will vote on a new system each month upon game release you as a player are free to build a base for yourself anywhere in the verse, but the Org will not have an org base, we are purely nomadic. ( BTW if your doing the math it will take us 8.3 years to visit each system with our current once a month system jump.)

6. No you do not need to stay in the system the entire month. our members are allowed to go where they please, However we will be hosting monthly org events to help others jump to systems they cant otherwise reach and going from that system the following month. ( community will have a vote on the next system to jump point to).

7. Join the discord to learn more: