• Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Engineering

Honourable Traders living in the Outer Rim who work together for the eventual overthrow of the United Earth Empire. If you wish to join us please apply at as well as here.


We have served our time as servants of the state, working hard for our credits and watching the state take more and more for itself.
We have endured the ever increasing restrictions on our movements; it is forbidden to visit certain planets or even whole systems. Does anyone remember voting for that?
Our every journey is recorded and our cargoes scanned, the Empire is watching us all.
Is there serious opposition to this tyranny?
How can a citizen even think of arguing against the military grade ships and weapons possessed by the Empire?

We have spent a long time thinking about it but action is impossible within the UEE controlled systems and there is one important thing that we lack so far.


We are planning.
We are trading.
We are exploring.
We are making new friends.
WE are upgrading the few combat ships we possess and soon we will be ready to leave on our journey to the Outer Rim Systems.



ManowaR is committed to the following plans:

1) Help to build an alliance whose members agree to just two obligations.

a) Each Member guarantees to provide all available pilots and ships to any other member trying to establish a base outside UEE space.

b) Each member guarantees to provide all available pilots and ships to any other member whose base comes under attack.

This alliance does not cover day to day attacks on member’s ships/fleets, it is “home insurance” .

Negotiations covering this alliance will no doubt continue until launch but as at 010214 guilds controlling 170 ships have agreed and negotiations are in progress with guilds controlling over 1000 ships. This is a very useful alliance!

2) Research possible target systems (in progress), explore target systems (Alpha and Beta projects), Establish a base after game launch.

3) Establish an alliance of guilds who share our intent to overthrow the Empire (again we already know of guilds controlling 1000 ships who will join). It is currently not known how long it will take before we feel ready to launch such a rebellion but it would seem reasonable to suggest one to two years.

4) Grow the membership of ManowaR and make it a “major player in Star Citizen”.

5) It is not yet known exactly what will be possible in game but at this point we hope to build an industrial empire of our own, centered on our Outer Rim base but also including the acquisition of existing production and sales facilities of ship and weapon manufacturers.

6) The creation of a covert sister guild operating in UEE space based on second accounts of ManowaR members. This guild will need its own transport ships, escort ships and pilots. This guild will compete for legit transport jobs and escort jobs within the UEE but most importantly it will provide items for ManowaR which we would otherwise find hard to source.

7) Running “pirate like” missions in which we ask trading ships to “donate” their cargoes to the rebel cause. Any ship which makes such a donation will be allowed to continue its journey unharmed.

8) The establishment of good relations with all like minded guilds regardless of their membership or non membership of any alliances.

9) The creation of “modding” expertise within ManowaR

10) the full exploration of the galaxy and the discovery of all available sources of required items.

This can not be comprehensive since the game is still being created but it is a good guide to what we have in mind .


1) Friends of members will always be accepted into ManowaR.
2) Obscene language in open chat/forums is banned.
3) Both casual and regular gamers are welcome, hard core gamers are usually not welcome.( Basically if you only want to play with the most skilful players in the biggest bad ass guild then do not apply, if you are very good but are happy to play with people with less skill then you are welcome).
4) Important positions in the guild are open to all members and will not just go to friends of the Guild Master.
5) In real life Democracy is a very inefficient way to govern a country, it is desirable because it offers the best chance of preventing corrupt government. A committee is absolutely the worst way to make decisions . Dung is a benign dictator.


ManowaR members will not steal from, lie to, cheat or otherwise abuse other ManowaR members.

ManowaR members will not steal from, lie to, cheat or otherwise abuse any Star Citizen player unless provoked. In such situations members will stay within Star Citizen rules .

Members are otherwise free to play this game any way they choose.