Tradwell Corp / TRADWELL

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Welcome to Tradwell Corp.official Spectrum channel. Please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.If you want to join us, send Email to this address:
Here’s our QQ group number:524796202.



The UEE had enjoyed centuries of growth and prosperity. Although the fight against the aliens has been continued. During the fight had the star merchants played an important role. The varied instruments of trade and commerce banded together into UEE-spanning organizations meant to keep UEE’s economic system working properly. Coalitions such as the Trade Federation, Commerce Guild, Techno Union, and the Intergalactic Banking Clan consolidated their individual markets into a great economic system in which generated such companies like us, Tradwell Corp. Tradwell is a consortium of merchants and transportation providers. Increased piracy in the wilds of the outer rim is not the only cause for arming our vessels but also to maintain the peace of the whole UEE and Galaxy, as a merchant company we can do. If you are such a patriotic merchant like us, well, you are not alone. We expect your join in. Tradwell, We do well what we will do.


TRADWELL We do Well what we Will do.


  • Cpt.Jackwell Age 20 Co-founder of Tradwell Head of F.O.D. Twentieth generation of the Ku family. Mestredono age 21 Co-founder of Tradwell Head of M.K.D. Twenty-first generation of the Wu family. Dragonrider age 22 founder of Tradwell head of A.D.D. Twenty-fifth generation of the Amir family