TRG Gaming / TRG

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Fidelitas usque ad mortem!, “Loyalty until death!”


On May 20th, 2003, Sony Online Entertainment’s MMOFPS game Planetside officially launched. It was this day that TRG Gaming began.

TRG Gaming started its existence as The Republican Guard, an homage to the faction which TRG plays in Planetside games, the Terran Republic. Early on TRG faced struggles with leadership, and many of the original founding members left while TRG was in its infancy. Those that inherited ownership of TRG began building a community around their Planetside outfit, and it didn’t take long for the Planetside community to take notice. TRG quickly became known for fast moving shock tactics, favoring infantry combat, forcing fights, and fighting to the last man. This reputation attracted more members with interests beyond infantry combat, and soon TRG became an absolutely dominant force on the Markov server, earning respect from allies and enemies alike.

Because of the level of respect and sportsmanship portrayed, TRG was able to foster relationships with many other outfits, including those from opposing factions. This has created a strong, friendly, and lasting relationships with groups such as TXR, Devil Dogs, Mercenaries, Future Crew and many others.

Along the way an issue arose with the outfit name, The Republican Guard. Given the political climate of the time, the war in Iraq was winding up and the fact that The Republican Guard, Sadam Hussein’s premiere fighting force, was getting media attention turned a negative focus on the benign origins of TRG’s name. SOE forced TRG to change its name, and officially changed it to ‘TRG’ within Planetside. Though TRG still officially refers to its greater community as The Republican Guard, leadership recognized the potential issues that could arise because of the name. The standard practice now is to name any TRG organizations in other games with lore-relevant names that keep the TRG abbreviation.

Realizing that their members had interest in games outside of Planetside, TRG leadership officially branched out into other games. Over the years TRG has had, or continues to maintain, an official presence in EVE Online, Everquest II, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Minecraft, Stronghold Kingdoms, SWOTOR, and of course Planetside. This expansion into other games grew the community even more, attracting more players and more diversity among its members. TRG’s primary membership is focused on the west coast of the United States, though it boasts members from over 20 countries amongst its 1000 strong roster of active members, and has active leadership in Star Citizen in Asian/Aussie time zones as well.

Continuing this trend, TRG has decided to move into games such as Rust, Elder Scrolls Online, Wildstar, and Star Citizen. Already TRG has built a strong membership following for those games, and have begun attracting new members to take up TRG’s banner.

TRG looks to the future with confidence. As a community we look forward to forging new relationships and continuing to build our reputation as a dominant and successful community of gamers.


Mission Statement: Expand and maintain a substantial organizational presence in the Star Citizen universe through the use of superior military, economic, and diplomatic assets.

The Republican Guard (TRG), a name that is synonymous with loyalty, strength, and honor; is looking to make a lasting mark on the Star Citizen universe. By combining and utilizing our military, economic, and diplomatic assets we will take the universe by storm. Our military division is known for its strategic and coordinated movements across the battlefield; and above all, its unyielding commitment to victory. Our economic division, praised as masters of trade and commerce, will be securing our position as the premier economic force in the universe by securing the resources needed to maintain our operations while denying such resources to those we deem unworthy. Finally, our Logistics Division, will forge mutually beneficial relationships and alliances with powers both great and small to ensure that we remain a powerful force within the galaxy. Together, working as a cohesive force, wielding military, economic, and political power, we aim to establish full-spectrum dominance across the planetary, system, sector, and regional levels.

Military Division (STRATCOM)

“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
-Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

TRG’s Military Division is our “big stick”, which will be used to support and provide opportunity for ECOM and LOGCOM. The Military Division will also be a political tool, used as a position of strength and able to deliver on threats, as well as to support alliances, enforce trade agreements, and police friendly space.

-Offensive operations
These will be launched against enemy organizations, or just a region in general, with the intention of securing territory and/or resources. These will be large organized events that will further TRG’s goals and presence, and will most likely involved combined arms assaults, using capital ships, fighters, and marines to accomplish the mission.

-Daily Operations
Daily operations will be coordinated by members or officers, and will provide a reason and a platform on which players can easily group together and accomplish larger goals for personal profit. If there’s one thing for certain in the universe, it’s that there will be plenty of things that need killing in every kind of way, and plenty of cargo that will require some liberation, and we’re all too happy to oblige.

-Loose Member and Command Structure
While there will certainly be officers and established leadership in the Military Division, their numbers will be small and will have very specific administrative roles. The reason being is that leadership is a trait, not a rank, and if you are willing to step up and take command of a mission, wing, or platoon, then we want to support that without having an arbitrary barrier like rank or seniority. There will be plenty of opportunities to lead, from being the mission commander on support operations to a wing or flight commander during large scale operations, the opportunities to expand and improve your experience will be available to whomever wants it.

Economics and Commerce Division (ECOM)

Mission statement: The ECOM division’s mission is quite simply to develop a system of economics to support TRG’s ultimate goal of become a dominant player in the persistent universe. This will be accomplished through the use of superlative financial analysis and actions in the acquisition, distribution, and sale of goods and services.

-Resource collection
Provides ships and oversight on resource collection missions such as mining asteroids and collecting/refining fuel. This subdivision will work closely with the Logistics division to ensure timely and organized transportation, storage, distribution, and sales of all resources collected.

-Trade and mercantile
Provides a constantly updated list of prices of goods and services throughout the various sectors of the persistent universe. This subdivision will work closely with both the resource collection subdivision and the Logistics division to ensure that any goods that need to be purchased or sold on behalf of TRG will be at the best price possible. Should a stock/bond market be launched this division will be heavily involved in the purchase and sale of securities.

-Asset acquisition
Provides oversight and administration of all assets owned and operated by TRG. This includes production nodes and space stations. This subdivision will work closely with all facets of the economic division as well as the Logistics division to ensure that all produced and required goods are transported to and from TRG assets. This subdivision will also be constantly searching for new opportunities for TRG to acquire further assets in our interests.

Logistics Command (LOGCOM)

Provides logistical support to TRG by being on the forefront of space mapping and locating possible new assets. Exploration ships will work closely with the Economic Division in order to secure any assets that may be found.

-Search & Rescue
Provides logistical support to TRG by being first responders to any situation that any member might find themselves in where something went wrong.Most Search and Rescue operators are dual professions as Explorers as they have the means to arrive to the scene quickly.

Provides logistical support to TRG by dedicating themselves to cargo running. Logistical Transportation is different from Economic Transportation in the essence that LOGCOM focuses on asset distribution among TRG forces.

-Corps of Engineers
Provides logistical support to TRG by being dedicated to anything related to engineering. Mostly comprised of number crunchers and mechanics. The CoE will help you outfit your ship in the best way possible. The CoE would also design and build things such as space stations or whatever asset we would have access to. In downtimes, members of the Corps of Engineers would be dedicated to multi crew ship maintenance and damage contro



TRG Gaming has invested a lot of time, money, and effort into its community. Though we boast over 1000 active members throughout the community across dozens of games, our goal is not to be a large organization within the Star Citizen Universe. TRG has a long history of being an elite fighting force, and we look to continue building that reputation within Star Citizen. Here’s some of what you can look forward to as a part of TRG:

• Combat focused – Strategic large-scale operations, special/covert operations, “Cargo Liberation”, boarding operations and ground combat. If we can shoot it, explode it, or loot it, we’re on it.
• Economics and Politics – Combat not your thing? We’ve got you covered. If you want to fly your Starfarer out to get some fuel, or go out scanning for minerals, we’ve got you covered. Our members want to take part in every part of the game. Besides, there’s often things to shoot at when on economic and political missions!
• Laid back environment – We game for fun, we don’t take any game too seriously. While we certainly have individual components with higher requirements and standards, TRG has no attendance requirements, no training requirements, and no hard feelings. Beer and good times are the way we operate!
• Opportunity for advancement – TRG promotes based on merit and motivation, not tenure.
• Freedom of choice – TRG doesn’t tell you how to play, what gear to equip. Play your way, so long as it falls within the lax rules of conduct outlined below.
• Being a leader doesn’t mean being an officer – TRG has built its name by the actions of its members. We trust our members to make intelligent decisions in combat, overtaking obstacle and securing objectives. We allow and actively encourage regular members to take control and lead.

Member Conduct

Members of the Star Citizen branch of TRG Gaming are expected to follow the standard community rules. These rules apply to everyone in the community, and exist to keep the peace. Generally TRG is incredibly lax with its rules, simply watching our livestream will show how obvious that is. These exist to keep the order when necessary, and there aren’t many of them.

• No racist or hateful comments, specifically none with the purposeful intent of hurting someone.
• Respect your allies and your opponents. Kill, pillage, liberate, but do not grief.
• Do not cheat, hack, exploit. Period.
• Every member of TRG is an extension of our community, you aren’t a nameless entity. Conduct yourself as such, you are invested in TRG as much as TRG is invested in you.
• Support your fellow members. We always have each other’s backs, no matter what.


TRG Gaming has a proven recruitment and application process that helps us target and retain the type of people we want as a part of TRG. If everything you’ve read above looks good, then keep on reading on what we expect from an applicant and how to put in an application.

• You must be age 18+
• You must have thick skin. You will hear cussing, random spurts of rage, drunken admissions of things you didn’t really want to hear, people will make fun of you for doing stupid stuff, you’ll be expected to give people crap for the stupid stuff they do (officers and leaders especially), the list goes on. If you are easily offended, we’re not the place for you.
• TeamSpeak 3 is required, you don’t have to talk, but you have to be able to listen.
• Must register on TRG Gaming’s website and forums (required for application)
• Drama queens, needy/demanding/high-maintenance individuals, lone wolves, and poor attitudes NEED NOT APPLY, you’ll be removed in short order.