Space Truckers / TRUCKIN

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Space Truckers is a Fun, Friendly, Casual, Helpful Corporation. We specialize in Hauling Freight, Exploration, Social, RP and Freelancing. Some members may occasionally engage in Special activities from time to time for which we are an LLC and cannot take accountability. All Players Welcome!!


Space Truckers was formed on 1/3/2018 with the Future in mind.

Space Truckers is a Corporation on Star Citizen, we are part of a Larger Gaming Group called the Crystalline Gaming Community, I am the Owner of Space Truckers and my name is Nolan and I am an Officer in the CGC. All are welcome to join Space Truckers and/or the CGC. Our website is located at: “” and we DO have a Teamspeak3 – as we play many different games – Star Trek Online is our Main game, but we also play Day Z, Conan Exiles, Mech Warrior, War Thunder, Elder Scrolls Online, and others.

Helpful, fun, friendly, active, and awesome!!

Welcome to Space Truckers!!

Note: The Main Group on Star Citizen is the “Crystalline Exploration Commission.” And we are Affiliated.

(More will be placed here later).


Here at the Offices of Space Truckers LLC, we love hearing back from our customers! Customers just like you who call us up every day complaining about how you got screwed out of something. We hire the best pilots we possibly can, and sometimes we have to settle for whatever we can find – sorry about that!! Our bad!!

Unfortunately we cannot do ‘Returns’ at this time. Please keep in mind that we are an LLC, which means Limited Liability. We are not responsible for any losses.

[This Manifesto is obviously Satire and not realistic. Perhaps I will come up with a better version later. lol]


Space Truckers Guidelines for Members and Officers:

Please Keep the Spectrum Chat clean, free of politics and religion, and please keep a certain degree of Respect for fellow members and officers. Failure to do so will result in your dismemberment, execution, and disbarrment from the group. ;)

In Addition, once you have Joined, you will see a more detailed Guidelines posting in the Space Truckers Spectrum Forums.

[This section will also be updated at a later time].