Trygalle Trade Guild / TRYGALLETR

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

“We’ve had worse trips.”

Our unofficial motto, and we certainly have…
The Trygalle Trade Guild is setting up within UEE space, we will offer trade and sevices like safe travel of goods or personel.

Our shareholder-policy will ensure efficiancy and safety in transporting your goods or personel.


The Trygalle Trade Guild was founded on a humanoid world before the invention of spacetravel, well actually long before that. It was founded by a few people with an extraordinary skillset, they came up with a shareholder principle that is what made the Trygalle Trade Guild survive it’s own homeworlds demise.

Hundreds of years pass, the guild has always taken the hardest of missions, the most impossible, the ones noone else would take. and many shareholders have been lost, a few loads aswell.

The guild has recently chosen to set up a new traderoute within UEE space, it will be intresting to see what the future brings.


What drives any man is profit, but profit is also the very thing that makes transporting your goods so dangerous. This is why the Trygalle Trade Guild was founded, over centuries they have evolved and branched out. The guild might be one of the more expensive partners you can do business with, but our reputation for never betraying a contract and always doing everything possible to get the job done, is worth the price.

The Guild values honor, hard work and ofcause profit.


Shareholders, listen up!

It’s very simple, treat your fellow shareholders with respect, follow orders, and should you have a complaint, file it at the appropriate time. In other words, use your brain.

The guild operates 100% legally withing UEE space, therefore, if you are caught performing illegal activities, the guild must terminate your contract immediately.