Trylon / TRYLON

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Scouting

Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.


Trylons origins were forged from the debris of tragedy.

Asa Trylon was working on the SythWorld in the Chronos system from 2912-2929. Asa had started a family during this time and had difficulty maintaining enough UEC (United Earth Credits) to keep food on the table.

The economy was in poor shape and Asa needed an opportunity. Out of nowhere a mining company was recruiting for lucrative work around Nul. ( Nul is known for its slave market and lack of law enforcement ). It was a dangerous journey but one that could change the lives of the Trylon family forever. It was a desperate move but under the circumstances they had no other choice. The transport ship took Asa and his family from Chronos to Kellog then from Kellog to Vega. They never made it to Vega in one piece. The soulless Vanduul intercepted the defenseless convoy, 128 people lost their lives.
Asa lost his wife and two of his children, all that remained of the Trylon family was Asa and his only son Sky.
Only a handful of others were able to escape the clutches of the barbaric Vanduul.

Depressed and left with only his son, Asa decided to go ahead with the mining job on Nul.

The two year mining operation provided a substantial amount of UEC, but no amount of currency would change what had happened to the loved ones Asa and Sky had lost.

A new chapter in the Trylon family had begun. Asa and Sky Trylon now had a substantial amount of UEC but nothing to spend it on. During the two years spent mining in Nul, Asa spoke with Sky about the disaster their family suffered. Asa explained “I don’t want revenge, I just don’t want anyone else to have to go through what we went through”

It was decided that Sky would use the UEC that they had earned and start an organization. This organization’s primary goal would be bounty hunting and scouting. Sky felt like the best way he could make his father proud and keep others safe is by hunting down those who would cause harm.
If there was just one scouter out there to relay that the disgusting Vanduul were on route… maybe all those lives could have been saved.

Thus the birth of Trylon.



Trylons intention is to be well known throughout the verse and uphold a strong reputation.
When pirates or outlaws see our ships I want them to run in fear or cower in defeat.

Establish strong and consistent communication amongst our organization, the United Empire of Earth, and other allied organizations.

Have four detachments of Marines ready for rapid deployment in any situation. These detachments will each have their own Commanding Officer and rank structure.

Hold training twice a week to improve our performance; given any situation.

Perform respective promotion ceremonies amongst the organization.

Hold special events that bring the organization together and involve prizes.

Become a positive influence in the verse and be something that others can count on.


Trylon is a Private Military Corporation:

Trylon will conduct its business in a professional and reliable manner. Trylon will not engage in any illegal activities throughout the Verse. We consider ourselves to be more flexible and robust than the police. Our focus is everything Military.
We are not assassinators, but we will hold criminals and murderers accountable.


  • Bounty Hunting
  • Security / Escorts
  • Clearing out Pirates
  • Scouting
  • Bording and clearing

What can Trylon do for you?

Trylon is one big family that works together to achieve greatness amongst its members. Goals and missions of each member will be taken into consideration and approached at the right time. The objective is TEAMWORK.
Strength in numbers is the power and skill is the execution. Without loyal members like yourself we would not have gunners at our turrets, or a crew to man our flag ship. Together Trylon can achieve great milestones in the Verse.

There are opportunities for Leadership within Trylon. There are 4 detachments that need Commanding officers with 8 members under their authority. These detachments will have there own practice routine, name, and schedule, with the exception of 2 mass practices as a Corporation.
Spots available:

  • Detachment Commanding Officer (5) More Detachments as we grow
  • Detachment Marine
  • Pilots
  • Intelligence
  • Support Crew
  • Medical Response Unit

(Numbers subject to change based off growth)

Once Trylon establishes a strong security network, it will grow in other aspects of the Verse.

The organization will not take ANY of your PROFITS.

70% for the individual(s) that found/killed what they were after.

20% for the unit that the individual works with.

10% for individual(s) that spent time looking for bounty/item/place that is not in the unit.

All profits for Trylon will be earned by donations only.


Trylon expects all members to be mature and respectful at all times.
Trylon does not put up with drama or unnecessary behavior.

Members of Trylon will be determined in their goals, and Trylon will help you achieve just that!
There will be times when Trylon will have an event and you are expect to be there, within reason.


If you need help doing something, always ask a member first.

Must have Discord and Mic.

Must be on at least 8 hours a week (minimum)

Must be mature and respectful at all times.

On behalf of Trylon, thank you.