The Vikings / TVK

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  • Exploration


The Vikings

We do not really need much of an introduction, do we ?

The name itself is enough to make ‘other people’ start trembling with fear.

When our ships are seen on the horizon, time has come for ‘other people’ to flee.

As ‘The Vikings’, we will make sure that this good tradition is kept alive.

We shall also make sure that there are plenty of good stories to be told in front of all
our brothers and sisters that are also out there fighting alongside us.

And if you die, you shall never be forgotten.

By friend and foe equally.


The Vikings will soon be released into a new exciting universe. This universe is going to contain much wealth for
the ones that are willing to go out there and claim it for themselves. We want to be among the ones who do.

This we can do if we are the right people at the right place at the right time.

What we want to be know for:

1 Treating everyone with the same respect as we want to be treated with.
2 Always keeping our honorary obligations and contractual obligations.
3 Always strive to keep the edge, always try to do better.
4 Make sure that anyone that pokes at us, will themselves feel the stick.

What we want for our own people:

1 The right to do as you please, as long as you do not infringe with the above statements.
2 The opportunity to make yourself a good income through the interaction of your brothers and sisters.
3 The opportunity to better yourself through your more advanced brothers and sisters advice.

The Vikings will not be for everybody.

It is intended that way.
