Typhon Heavy Industries / TYPHOEUS

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Engineering


Our founding operators have been working together for over a decade. We have seen thousands of battles together and in this time have come to understand what success means in this business. We’ve seen our share of losses and each one sharpens our Outfit First mentality to a fine point.


Our Philosophy

Typhon Heavy Industries is an outfit sovereign unto itself. We do not needlessly seek conflict, but if something stands between the advancement or security of the outfit we will not hesitate to act. No body of law, UEE or otherwise, overrules our internal code of conduct. As a member of this outfit we can assure you that you will get yours, but it will never come before the outfit. You will always have a voice within our ranks as we take a democratic approach to group decisions.

Personality Driven

Experience, skill, and resourcefulness, while important, are entirely overshadowed by the importance of attitude and personality. We will not tolerate toxic individuals within the outfit. Good people are the lifeblood of Typhon Heavy Industries, we don’t care about your skill nearly as much as we care about your attitude.

Tempered Passion

While we don’t expect you to be the greatest operator there ever was, Typhon Heavy Industries seeks to cultivate an outfit of passionate individuals who will put in the extra time to get things done. We don’t expect you to give up your life for the outfit, only that you make the outfit part of your life. We can achieve great things together if we are dedicated. Anything you put into the outfit will be given back two fold.



Experience, skill, and resourcefulness, while important, are entirely overshadowed by the importance of attitude and personality. We will not tolerate toxic individuals within the outfit. You can be the most skilled pilot or gunner in the Verse but we will promptly revoke your membership if you are consistently difficult to be around. This outfit believes success comes from a strong sense of camaraderie. We do not seek to litigate every moment you spend acting under our name, we do not expect you to overly filter your communications within the outfit, but we do expect you to be respectful and show common decency to fellow operators.

Public SOP

  • Communication
    • Be yourself, be respectful. This is an adult outfit so expect adult language.
    • VoIP communication should be channel appropriate during an active operation.
    • Forum communication should follow the same basic guidelines above. Our forum is not your pornography outpost.
    • If you have an issue with another operator deal with it in private channels. If necessary, contact an administrator to setup a meeting.
    • If you are an unpleasant drunk, do not get on VoIP while under the influence. You will receive one warning if you are being obnoxious, if it continues you will be kicked for the night.

Further SOP Instruction to come