UEE Fish and Wildlife Service / UEEFISH

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

UEE Fish and Wildlife Officers are dedicated to the discovery, research, and protection of all UEE natural resources. Please report new discoveries of flora/fauna to the Stanton detatchment. Visit your local legal terminal to settle citations. Always hiring enthusiastic zoologists and biologists!


Established shortly after the creation of the UNE, the now rebranded ‘UEE’ Fish and Wildlife Service has held the same goals and values from the start; to protect and preserve the universes living natural resources. Relying heavily on poor government funding, much of our greatest discoveries have come from having a great relationship with the UEE Navy and embedding our officers on their deep-space research vessels. In 2874, a decommissioned UEEN Carrack exploration vessel was generously donated to our service, and has since been the flagship research and enforcement vessel for UFaW.


UEE Fish and Wildlife Service continues to maintain its commitment to the research and preservation of all UEE living natural resources. While research is our main motivation, protection and enforcement also play a key part in what we do. From serving simple hunting fines to taking down large-scale Maze grow-ops deep in the woods, we deal with it all.
Currently we have 2 live operations: Flying Pearl and Kopion Control, both of which involve artificial population control measures to humanely further our studies and prevent overpopulation. These measures now include public contracts to discharge of wildlife deemed urgent by our safety officers, but not of high enough priority to redeploy one of our limited assets.
We are also active members of the UEE special operation Project Power, a system wide safety and security initiative based on arming public servants and government sector employees that work in various public locations.
To make a report, contact your local Fish and Wildlife Service detachment.


To Protect and Preserve all Living Natural Resources.

Don’t drink and fly.