UEE Merchant Marine Freemasons / UEEMASONS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Friend to Friend. A fellowship undivided.


We are Merchant Marines, we are Privateers, Soldiers, Engineers, Merchants, Tradespeople and Industrialists. Free as individuals, united in an ancient naval association, with the goal to provide strength in numbers for the interest of our progress and survival. We are sworn to secrecy, as free and acknowledged masons of the United Earth Empire, our brothers and sisters come first. Primarily engaged in commerce and transport, the defense of our interests is brought with military efficiency as the bulk of our forces will be military veterans, combat prepared with years of experience for outer space, atmospheric and ground engagement.

In Real Life: We are an old group of friends and a new group of friends who have been gaming together altogether online for over a decade, some of us have military experience, many are tech nerds, pretty much all of us like to joke around, some of us are probably masons, most of us are grown adults with children of their own. The dedication to this group can be casual, regular to hardcore, our attitude towards gaming is such that it should be fun, and if one isn’t skilled enough, they will gain the skills over time. We are willing to help each other out with trades, training, and general support. We do encourage our team to practice, roles will be fulfilled according to skillset. The top players will be welcome to take positions of leadership within this organization, and as we mature over the years our roles will certainly progress/change as the game itself grows.


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