United Earth Volunteer Legion / UEVL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Looking for an organization focusing on the support and fun of its members? Ready to wander in the vast Universe knowing that your fellow Legionnaires are at your side, dedicated to protect you and make your run rewarding, no matter the mission you are completing?

UEVL is your new home! Join us!


- May 15th, 2571

Admiral Jack Stoffer, self-medicating without the knowledge of his higher command, goes through another period of hallucinations, delusional thinking and paranoia. On this day, though, his troubles will end in one of the worst episodes in United Earth Empire Navy history. Pursuing a group of rebels and pirates heading to their base on Ashana, Admiral Stoffer gives an order to maintain the course of his Bengal Carrier, the UEES Olympus, straight through the planet’s atmosphere.

As the UEES Olympus started to break up in the atmosphere and began to fall to her awful fate, three Captains (Arus Nichols, Augustin Mullen, and John French) displayed commendable courage and poise in saving thirty-seven souls from the hands of death, using escape pods until they could not activate systems anymore.

- November 1st, 2572

The three Captains, along with the other survivors from the Olympus, meet at the “Oak Barrel Tavern”, a popular pub built deep within the remains of the Olympus Bengal Carrier, on the planet Ashana of the Nul System. They draft a resolution calling for the creation of the United Earth Volunteer Legion. The United Earth Empire (UEE) Congress approves the resolution, officially forming the United Earth Volunteer Legion and awarding the title of “Legionnaires” to its members.

Each year, the United Earth Volunteer Legion marks November 1st with a celebration of the brave spirit which compelled these men and thousands since to defend the UEE as Legionnaires.

- June 24th, 2610 – Battle of Centauri

In 2603, a new Tevarin Warlord, Corath’Thal, wreaks havoc with a battle fleet he managed to rebuild. Harassing UEE and UPE settlements, installations and ships, the Tevarins have but one goal: reclaim their former home world, Elysium IV. On June 24th, 2610, Squadron 42 engages Corath’Thal’s fleet for what will be known later as the Battle of Centauri. Close to a bitter defeat, UEE forces will turn the tide thanks to the remarkable acts of bravery from the UEVL Legionnaires. At the cost of considerable casualties, the Legionnaires succeeded in boarding three major Tevarin command ships. With his fleet suddenly falling to either destruction or surrender, Corath’Thal decided to undertake a desperate charge for Elysium IV. The Battle of Centauri ended when his ship engulfed in flames as it entered the planet’s atmosphere.

In honor of the Legionnaires’ bravery and sense of sacrifice, in memory of their fallen comrades, and to engrave in history Corath’Thal’s infamous end, the UEE approved a resolution to make the “seven-flame grenade” the official symbol of the UEVL .

- Nowadays…

During the past centuries, the UEVL Legionnaires were seen fighting in almost every corner of the cosmos, never failing to answer UEE calls to action.

Faithful to its initial values, and anxious to be true to its roots, the UEVL is the perfect organization for those seeking redemption (from whatever past sins they have committed) and wishing to benefit from a second chance in life. Each Legionnaire, always bearing with him the memory of his fallen comrades, will demonstrate pride in doing what he is trained for, namely defending the UEE’s people and interests anytime, anywhere.

You too can be part of the UEVL History, writing a new page of what could become your new rewarding life! Join the UEVL now!

Semper Simul! Always Together!


The United Earth Volunteer Legion (UEVL) is an autonomous organization whose main objective is to offer its members a fun yet efficient and rewarding environment within the Star Citizen Universe.

To that end, UEVL is composed of squadrons (TBD) which will eventually form into Wings and Battlegroups. With members from all continents, UEVL squadrons are set up by time zones, thus allowing members to find a fellow Legionnaire any time he/she is flying in the Verse.

The UEVL will not limit itself to a specific role. This means that its members may opt for exploration, mining, combat or any other kind of activities, as long as it is in the best interest of the organization and fellow Legionnaires, and it is providing the member the fun factor he/she is looking for.

For the purpose of operational efficiency, the UEVL will rely on a military-type hierarchy. During conflicts, or if the completion of any missions at hand is of the utmost importance to the organization and/or its members, it is expected that members abide by the Standards Operating Procedures, if any, and orders communicated by the higher ranking officers though the established means of communication (i.e.: TeamSpeak; UEVL Official forum & Website, etc.) Otherwise, members are free to wander in the Verse as they wish, keeping in mind, though, that they are representing UEVL.

The United Earth Volunteer Legion is aiming at supporting its members in any possible way so he/she could get the most out of his/her time in the Verse. Teamwork will consistently be promoted and nurtured, as it has always been the case with Legionnaires from the early days of History.

If you are looking for a strong, rewarding and fun community, join the UEVL!


The United Earth Volunteer Legion (UEVL) is confident its members are reasonable people who behave responsibly online and offline. However, for our organization purposes within Star Citizen, it is appropriate to remind everyone a few rules:

• You may also be a member of other organizations. However, understandably, UEVL affiliate members will not be able to hold a senior rank.

• There is no requirement as to the online presence of any members. Nevertheless, a member foreseeing a relatively extended period of absence should inform senior staff, if possible under the prevailing circumstances.

• Always remember that, once a member of UEVL, you are representing the organization. This means that you must refrain from any actions or comments which will reflect adversely on UEVL, in the Verse and on any forums (particularly the RSI ones).

• No spamming will be allowed on any communication channels used by UEVL (TeamSpeak, Discord, Forums, etc.)

• In case you are in a Discord, TeamSpeak, or in-game session and you can be heard by children, please use proper language. Fellow Legionnaires having children in the room shall warn the others of their presence.

As a UEVL member, all other members are your Fellow Legionnaires. They are counting on your help and support, as you are counting on theirs too. Only through a strong sense of solidarity and assistance will we become an efficient organization. To this end, when participating in UEVL operations, members shall:

• Carry out any orders given by senior staff and squadron leaders (unless there is a legitimate reason not to do so);
• Follow the Standard Operating Procedures in effect at that time;
• Always make it as a top priority to help out Fellow Legionnaires; and
• Never leave a Fellow Legionnaire behind.

The above rules and pointers may be edited, and more may be added, as the United Earth Volunteer Legion grows.