United Federation of Planets / UFOP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome to the United Federation of Planets or Star Fleet for short, we are a group of Explorers and Scientists who live to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!!


Are you wanting a consistent group of friends to game with any time you feel like it?

Do you like good organization but not military wannabes screaming orders at you?

Do you value teamwork, friendship, and blowing away stress playing a great game more than collecting in-game status?

Do you appreciate leadership that keeps the drama and chaos under control but still allows you to have fun and joke around?

If so, we are just your kind of community. The United Federation of Planets is an exploration based organization that is based on the ideals of peaceful discovery, this means that when we find an undiscovered planet out goal is to Observe and establish peace.

The United Federation of Planets is recruiting for new members of any skill level. If you want an organization oriented to always finding the action and fun in the game then we are probably the outfit for you. We will even take totally new players willing to learn and we’ll get you into the game in a friendly way. Attitude and teamwork is more important than skill for us.

Becoming a member of the United Federation of planets does not require you to spend every moment in your Star Citizen game with the rest of your organization. There are multiple contracts that you can apply for in this organization to suit your needs.


The United Federation of Planets is an organization designed around positive attitudes and teamwork. Our goal is to create a long lasting presence within the Star Citizen community that is well respected, and which provides our members a great experience.


Becoming a member of the United Federation of planets does not require you to spend every moment in your Star Citizen game with the rest of your organization. There are multiple contracts that you can apply for in this organization to suit your needs.

  • The free-range citizen contract is the lowest available contract in our organization, with this contract you will get the ability to call on anyone from the organization to help you with whatever you require such as escorts or Medical Aid. The condition is that you return the favor to anyone else who holds this contract.
  • The officers cabinet contract is the mid-tier contract available in this organization, with this contract you have all the benefits of the previous contract as well as the ability to seek financial aid in game for the funding of a new ship or cargo whenever you need it. However if you are in possession of a cargo transport ship or repair ship, or anything else that would benefit the fleet when you are called upon to Aid another ship in the fleet you must go to their aid and depending on if the organization helped fund your current ship whoever is requesting assistance within the organization will get free service such as free repairs.
  • The Admiral’s assistance contract is the highest available contract with the most benefits and requirements this contract is for very devoted players who enjoy the teamwork aspect and are willing to help anyone in the organization with whatever it is they require. This contract has all benefits of the previous two contracts as well as the availability of a high-ranking officer on one of the Flag ships in the fleet as you grow throughout this contract you will gain the ability to lead your own small sub Fleet within the organization, and you will be allowed access to ships provided by the fleet at any time however when called upon you must respond to any distress call or sign of help or need by anyone in the organization unless otherwise instructed by one of the Admirals. As an admiral assistant you will be required whenever called upon to be a part of the Admiral’s guard this can include dog fighting FPS combat and strategist. This is a very distinguished contract and anyone who is allowed it will be looked up to by the organization!