United Federation of Organisations / UFORGS

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The United Federation of Organisations is a Medium for Organisations to be able to work together in a variety of Multi-Org Activities!

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The United Federation of Organisations

The United Federation of Organisations has had the main goal of bringing people and Organisations together ever since it’s founding in 2951.

That goal, although seemingly impossible, focuses on letting Organisations of a vast array of backgrounds, be able to work alongside one another to make a safe, and protective Unification of Organisations.

That hope and that goal is continuing as strong as ever, down to this day!


Why does the United Federation of Organisations exist?

The Federation exists because of one integral thing, Star Citizen’s community. The community of Star Citizen is so vast, and so amazing, and is full of a wide array of groups, alliances, and organisations, yet we feel it lacks one thing. That one thing we belive is the ability for those groups, organisations, and alliances to be able to connect with one another, not only with those whom they know, but also with those whom they may not know even those whom they may never have had the chance to meet in all their travels of Star Citizen.

That is baseline to why the Federation exists. Giving players, groups, organisations and alliances the opportunity to be able to enjoy their time in Star Citizen with that vast array of players, in a hopefully more enjoyable and friendly way. Although, if you would like a more in depth explanation of what you might get into, and what the United Federation of Organisations stands for, please check out our Handbook.

What is the purpose of the Federation?

The United Federation of Organisations has the purpose of bringing people, and organisations of many backgrounds together. That main focus has paved the way for all that the Federation stands for ever since it’s founding. That main focus though also holds many other opportunities within it, such as:

Organising and participating in multi-organisation events, this enables the organisations of the Federation to be able to bond better with the adventures they have; Assisting other organisations vessels when in an emergency, which helps us grow that safe unity and ideal we strive for as Federation members, that of making those around us safer; Inter-organisation trading, which opens ways to create a stable and safe trade economy to give us the chance to unify with other organisations better.

In essence, the Federation is a means for Organisations to be able to Explore new opportunities with other Organisations, Find interesting and new ways of enjoying Star Citizen together , and a means for all involved to Trade and grow alliances with ones you may never have had the opportunity to meet.

How do I join the Federation?

To be able to join the United Federation of Organisations, it is highly suggested to join our Discord, this is because Discord allows for an easier means of organising events with one another, and a far easier way to talk about and discuss and announce Federation information.

Once joined, you will find an application form which you can fill out, with a variety of options to choose from, the main choices are through what method you are joining. They are as follows:

Joining as an Organisation Representative – This is for Players who own an Organisation and would like to join their Organisation to the Federation.

Joining as an Organisation Member – This is for Players who are members of an Organisation that is already a member of the Federation.

Joining via Personal Entry – This is for Players who wish to join on their own as a singular player.

Some who join will go through some interviews with a Council member, although not all of them will be as indepth as others. No matter which you choose though and no matter how you join the Federation each will be required to agree to our three main rules through a signed contract, this is to make it fairer and a safer environment for all.

The contract details are contained in our Handbook, so you will be able to know what you will be signing before even applying to start the joining process.


Federation Rules and Regulations

The United Federation of Organisations does have some rules, not many of them but the few rules the Federation does have are the backbone of how we aim to act, and how we aim to show ourselves as a Federation.

That ideal we strive for is that of a safe haven for all Organisations that are members of the Federation, even for those that are not Federation Members, as how we act is integral in how people see both ourselves as people, and the Federation as a whole.

The Three Main Rules

There are three main rules for the Federation, below will describe them and explain why they are in place.

1) Each Federation member should treat other Federation members with respect, as they have as much right to be a part of the Federation as any of us, and treating them poorly or with no respect can push others away, hurting both how people view you, and how others view themselves.

2) Do not purposely attack other Federation members without reason to do so, as it does not strengthen the bond between members, but instead breaks them down.

3) Non-Federation members may not have to follow our rules, but as Federation members, do not go out of your way to attack innocent players for no reason, as all it does is shine a foul light on yourself, and those whom you represent.