UK1 Securities / UK1CLAN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

To Serve and Protect

(for a reasonable fee)

UK1 are a casual gaming clan focusing on community spirit, offering secure couriering, protection and bounty hunting services within the star citizen universe.


Founded by a man who was Mith

Our military origins lie back in the Dark days of the COD wars and have travelled through the various Battlefields.

Our members have been ELITE, Wing Commanders, Freelancers and Privateers and have explored the EVE universe.

Our forces whilst multinational in nature have found secure basing within the United Kingdom, where we consider ourselves No.1 for providing a mature and friendly gaming community.

If you want to know more about us; read our manifesto and our charter or visit our < Website >.


Who are UK1?

UK1 are a casual gaming clan with a relaxed attitude, made up of like minded individuals. More than anything we value having a laugh on TeamSpeak whilst shooting little pixel men in the face with tiny pixel bullets.

Although Battlefield 4 is our current weapon of choice, we can expand to, or migrate across to, any game that the whole clan has an interest in.

We occasionally get involved in scrims with other clans, but are certainly not competitive gamers.

Once you become a member of UK1 you are part of the clan for life.

We have many members that come and go over the years as their interest in different games waxes and wanes, and when Real Life commitments take their toll.

However we never turn away old faces, no matter how long they have been A.W.O.L.

UK1 accept members from all around the world.

Language can be a barrier, but as long as there is a basic understanding of written and spoken English, and time zones aren’t an issue, then we will never turn down an application on this basis alone.

We fund the clan through voluntary donations.

We understand that some people can’t afford to donate, but we never discriminate between those that do, and those that can’t.

This is the ethos of UK1.

We are UK1.



UK1 is a multi game clan, with an emphasis on FPS. The majority of our members are currently active on the PC version of Battlefield 4. However clan membership does not require any interest in FPS, we also have been active in World of Warcraft, EVE Online, World of Tanks, Starbound and now are operating within Star Citizen.

We have 3 types of member, Trialists,Full Members and Leaders. All have an equal say in the clan and its running, with Trialists obviously being probationary and Leaders performing the day to day administrative roles.

Our members are in the majority 20+, workers with families, what this means is that we play for fun, to de-stress and unwind. It also means that we are very tolerant of Real Life Problems and so our ethos is about the community spirit rather than hardcore gaming.

This UK1 organisation is orientated towards Security work and Bounty Hunting, which obviously means that we are against piratical activities. If you fancy being a pirate and still want to be part of the clan, that is fine. However we will set up a pirate UK1 organisation for you to conduct your nefarious activities from.

All UK1 organisations require you to be 1 of the 3 membership types before you will receive and invitation to join. For trialists if for any reason you fail your trial, you will be removed from the organisation. This will not prejudice our dealings with you and you will be able to apply for trial again in the future.

>Membership Types

->Trial Members

—-> What we’re looking for

We know who you are and you take part: Hopefully you’ll have come to our attention because you joined our squads and played as part of a team and you’ve posted on the forums in a mature way. We won’t accept you for a trial if your behaviour on the forums or in game suggests a bad attitude or immaturity.

You are mature: If measured in age we’d say 20+, but we accept that players younger than this would make a good UK1 member. If you’re younger than 20 and you want to apply for a trial, make sure that the point about us knowing who you are is especially true. Equally, players older than 20 can be immature but this is the reason we hold a trial!

Where you live: Our players are on mostly evenings, so members living around the GMT time zone would be preferable. Of course it doesn’t matter if you’re not, but we won’t make allowances on your trial for living in a different time zone. We use Teamspeak, and all trialists are expected to use it, therefore you need to be able to speak and understand English to a reasonable level.

—-> What we’re not looking for

Cheaters: We will not tolerate cheaters. We do what we can to stop cheaters whether it is reporting them or using blocking tools on servers under our control.

Trolls, we do not accept abuse of other players, whether through action or through profanity in chat.

L33t speak: English is the language of the forums – use it.

—-> What does a trial consist of?

A trial is our way of deciding if you will fit as well as your opportunity to see if you like us. It lasts a month and at the end of which there will be a vote by existing members to decide whether you become a UK1 member or not. Their decision is final.

Passing a trial isn’t difficult, you just need to continue doing what you did pre-trial: contributing to the forums and taking part in good team play in the game. In addition you need to use Teamspeak, so clan members can get to know you and for you to prove you have what we’re looking for.

—-> How to apply for a trial

Create a post on our clans forums using the application form found < here >. After that one of three things will happen:

Your application is accepted and you’ll be given access to private relevant areas of the forums where there will be more details on how to access Teamspeak etc.

Your application isn’t accepted, but we don’t have reason not to accept a future application. All you need to resolve this is follow the advice above about taking part and letting us know who you are.

Your application is refused outright. This will only happen if you’ve annoyed us enough on the forums or game servers, or there is any evidence of cheating with your account.

If we deny your application, it is entirely at our discretion and the decision is final. Don’t take it personally – we can only judge on what we observe and our main concern is that you will fit in.

There is a topic within the forums for < further question >, should you have any.

->Full Clan Members
A member has a relaxed attitude and more than anything values having a laugh on TeamSpeak whilst shooting little pixel men in the face with tiny pixel bullets.

A member cannot be a member of any other clan which plays the same games as UK1. A bit of loyalty please. Though this does not limit your choice of organisation within Star Citizen.

Membership is for life or until formal resignation from the clan. Those who faded away are always welcome back.

->Council Member / Leader

UK1 is run by a council of Leaders who aim to maintain our ethos and thereby continue the relaxed and open nature of the clan.

The council are not necessarily the most active players, but are here to help facilitate change by helping members take ownership of running and growing the clan, and by addressing the clans concerns.