United Terran Courier Service / UTCS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

United Terran Courier Services can transport anything that fits in a regular sized cargohold, to anywhere in the known universe.

We are currently looking for new members, so sign up!


The United Terran Courier Service Is newly started, and doesnt have any extended history beyond that at this point.


The United Terran Courier Service, or UTCS for short, is a transport corporation mainly focusing on transport of goods and general items. We transport anything that can be fit in a regular sized cargohold, anywhere in the known universe.

If you got some more sensitive goods, and you want top security while transporting it, we offer a private security force, proudly provided by Advanced Liability Echelon .

There is nearly nothing we cant transport of goods and items, because we are Couriers of men!


United Terran Courier Service will release more information about its rules and regulations once the Star Citizen main core module is released!