Vandalorum Corporation / VANDALORUM

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Vandalorum Corporation is a privately owned multi-national bio-medical and wealth management corporation headquartered in Berlin, Terra.

Vandalorum Corp. is a leading producer of neural simulators and genetically engineered clones. Vandalorum artificial clones, which it markets under ‘the body’ brand was founded in 2012.

Vandalorum Corp. was among the first to conduct field trials of bonding artificial neural networks with therapeutic cloning techniques.

Vandalorum Corporation, heavily invests in research and development, recouping expenses through the use and enforcement of biotechnological patents.

By the early 2040s Vandalorum Corp. was a major producer of personal replica robots, along with notable achievements by Vandalorum and its scientists in Nano-bot development. The future path of expansion was predefined with the acquisition of ‘3D-Bioprint’ – the company formerly manufactured cryopreservation-skins for long-haul space exploration. With this a foundation was set for later advances to become a leading bio-medical service provider and technology manufacturer.

Vandalorum breakthrough research on catalytic consciousness and being the first company to mass-produce full-autonomous clone-substitutes, it remained one of terra´s top 100 companies in cash earnings until it divested most of its bio-chemical businesses between 2297 and 2302, through a process of mergers and spin-offs that focused the company on its life & wealth conservation services.

Please contact Vandalorum Corp. concerning shareholder relations.

Vandalorum Corporation

Terra, Berlin



Self-succession-services delivered to spacetravelling individuals, business owners or families who desire profound health and asset management.

Vandalorum Certified Health Planners and Strategic Wealth Professionals tirellessly work to improve shareholders physical well being, enhance longevity, further financial investment and bargain tax-favored treatment.

Vandalorum is a pioneer in applying a biotechnology industry business model to private wealth management and healthcare services, employing techniques and products developed by Vandalorum Clonetechnologies. Shareholders knowledge and mindset is transfused into clone-replacements for personal replication and as compensation to environmental hazards.

Vandalorum Corp. acts as an investment and health advisory that incorporates estate and portfolio management, spaceship funding, clone substitution services and a number of aggregated financial services for shareholders. Vandalorum shareholders themselves constitute in Cryo-Capsules™ commanding their clone-replacements and re-awakening intervals – a guarantee for survival in perilous times and places.

Please contact Vandalorum Corp. concerning shareholder relations.

Vandalorum Corporation

Terra, Berlin



Health preservation and fortune accumulation demand as much prudence as they demand initiative. Even with modern advances in longevity enhancement, the endurance of the human body is limited.

Two primary factors distinguish the issues impacting personal evolution.

The one, individuals face a finite lifespan – whereas growth and preservation of assets require time and long-term strategic planning.
The other, participation brings imperilment – since the early days of modern space travel, humans are ever more likely to face a variety of terminal impediments.

Nonetheless, only one thing stands between you and your personal evolution: the decision to act!

Remove residual risk of engagement, don´t compromise: conserve your wealth & clone yourself! Join with Vandalorum Corporation – engage yourself and become a shareholder.

Please contact Vandalorum Corp. for more information about our Shareholder Services.

Vandalorum Corporation

Terra, Berlin