Van Bui Brothers / VBB

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

Welcome to Van Bui Brothers!

Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

Our Corporation is mainly a Swedish one open to any nationalities with preferred language of English.

Our main alignment is mergers and acquisitions.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Main Objective

Our vision is to make good investments resulting in greater influence throughout surrounding galaxies making us able to connect, and ensure security for, traders and future investors all over universe.

We mainly seek to invest through aquisitions of either raw recources or various industrial or engineering companies. Our corporation is also open for mergers with other small trade corporations or networks in order to create a secure and prosperous community in which traders and travellers can exchange knowledge, commerce and create future connections.


We encourage cooperation and socializing which further connect both members and non-members, hoping to create a peaceful environment for traders and such. Therefore, we as a corporation, advocate following rules of behaviour:

  • Always treat everyone equally, regardless of organisation or profession.
  • Trade fairly and rather cooperatively than competitively.
  • We look after one another, both regarding security and business.