Viking Fleet Industries / VFI

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to Viking Fleet Industries – We specialize in your protection
We provide a large swath of amazing services across the great UEE. Our customers are valued members of space industry and the wider community. Space is dangerous, but with VFI on your side you’ll be in safe hands.
We Promise.



Provisions for Treaties as below. These treaties shall be recorded here for quick and easy access and viewing.



While most is lost to history, the founding of Viking Fleet Industries starts with the foundation of Viking Defense Industries – An organization dedicated to the defense of the United Earth Empire and it’s many communities. While legal troubles with individuals, and trademark issues have caused the Viking Defense Industry to rebrand as VFI – We are still here dedicated to your defense.

‘Founded’ in 2952, VFI’s goal is to provide protection services to surprise customers in UEE space – Often assisting customers with operations such as mining, cargo hauling, and industrial processing to our many customers.

Additionally, VFI is known for mercenary work – We’ll take any job if it pays well enough, and we’ll see it through, Odin willing. Many of our crew are what the broader community would call ‘reckless’, ‘dangerous’, ‘handsome’ and ‘desperate’ and provide many of the services our competitors offer for much cheaper than the market price.

Need a used Cutlass Black? Once repairs are done, and any previous messes cleaned, our crew is willing to find one for you, in any region of space.
Want to get back at that lying, cheating wh- spouse of yours? Well, we’ll provide that for dirt cheap, just ask any of our available freelancers today!

Our crews are standing by:


Viking Fleet Industries is a flat-organization of like-minded individuals who swear a common oath of kinship between each-other.
VFI’s founding principle is that all individuals are free to determine their fates in life, and we seek to enable our family to pursue that goal in any way possible.

While confusing to many who are used to a traditional hierarchy structure, VFI is truly ‘equal’ – barring the obvious exceptions for what mechanics are allowed and the tools that have been offered to operate the organization within the confines of Star Citizen.

All members are considered freelancers, or Vikings, if you prefer. Our Vikings are free to pursue any goal they have before them. They are considered free agents and they operate outside of the respected confines of the organization, except in scenarios where the organization collectively acts.

Contrary to what popular media portrays, the vikings are not just raiders. The vikings were explorers, merchants, scholars, farmers, miners, inventors, and even bodyguards to individuals as prestigious as the Roman Emperors of the Byzantine Empire. Opportunists would be the best word to describe a viking – and we seek to kindle that passion in our organization.

Each organization member will vouch for those who proceed him, swearing his character before the elders and his peers – as outlined in the charter, and will provide for common security, aid and assistance to all organization members.

In addition to our stated mission, our constitution shall lay out the following desires of its members:

We shall, through our collective will, make pacts with other organizations, working closely with like-minded fellow for the common defense of our interests, as well as to cultivate good will amongst our fellow voidship captains.
We shall keep true to our word, holding our oaths to be faithful them to be true. We shall tolerate no backstabbing, nor unworthy murders.
We shall call out the traitors, cowards, and knaves amongst us, and keep to the values of respect, dignity and honour.
We shall establish the Thing, where all members can voice their collective will before their brothers and express their concerns and desires.
We shall value our brothers here as a new family, and hold to the words: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


Viking Fleet Industries members will agree to the following before joining. This is our charter – our reason for existing.

Really who we are: We are a group of internet friends who actually care about the experience, friendships, and life goals. We care about our members, and seek to laugh and play with like-minded individuals who desire friendship and camaraderie.

This organization isn’t meant as a try-hard organization. Though we want to have fun and may mess around a bit, we value respect above all else. We’re not going to pretend this game matters a lot. Real life mattered more. Most of our members are veterans or spouses of veterans. They understand reality, and know that vidja games are just vidja games. We seek a relaxing environment without drama or worry. We will joke around and laugh.

All organization members of VFI are considered Freelancers, your profits are your own. Your actions are your own. Your body (labour) is your own.
We expect all members to follow these tenets:

1) All members are equal before the Thing.
We’re all friends here. There’s no need for the false pretenses of authority. You’re not paying anyone’s salary or family’s expenses. You’re an equal member, with a voice to match. Respect others, and you’ll be respected. Don’t be an asshat.

2) We pledge to those in VFI who we shall call brothers that they shall be our kin.
Your real life out of game drama isn’t welcomed – and we will defend brothers. What happens in-game is in-game. Don’t bring that stuff out. We don’t want it. Don’t be an asshat.

3) The tongue held is a tongue imprisoned.
We have freedom of speech. What you say doesn’t matter, but you shall expect repercussions for being an asshole. Don’t be an asshat.

4) Though we swear our souls to the gods, the covenant your brother forms may be different from your own.
This is a given to respect. We’re all friends here, don’t insult eachothers customs, creeds, and beliefs.

5) We shall follow the tenets of honour – our word IS our bond. One of the few things we will kick you out of the org for is breaking your word and being an asshat. An example: Mistakes happen obviously, but if you take money from some one for protection and you backstab them and space them, you cannot be trusted. Trust is a valuable resource, incredibly hard to gain and very easy to lose. If the org can’t trust you to not be an asshat, then we can’t trust you period.