Ventus Corporation / VKC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

We’ve got your back.

Whatever your needs may be here at the Ventus we have it covered. Cargo, Protection, Freelance services we have it all. We’re a small and personalized to fit your needs, whether it be shipping your tea or avoiding outbreak of a war Ventus is here to help.


“…a force to be reckoned with.” -Business Insider, 2988

Back in 2977 a group of young, bright individuals with common interest came together to form Ventus. Through hard work they were able to establish themselves as an up and coming company in the sector. Within a year they had purchased their first spacecraft and we’re transporting cargo and person across the galaxy.

By 2984 the company had gained the attention of many onlookers and the company began to reconsider there structure. As they had been originally formed as a small almost group effort they had to work hard to put a system in place that would adequately be able to manage their systems of operation.

In the year 2988 Ventus implemented a revolutionary type of corporate structuring that effectively employed contractors part time at the lowest level with the ability for them to progress into full-time jobs at the top. This allowed for mass employment and it stimulate the economy on their home world allowing them to expand their full-time fleet to 25 ships (Not including contractor ships). With this boom came a host of contractors forcing Ventus to input a new system of requirements for contractors that only allowed the best quality of service. This move increased the brand name and made Ventus a household name.

Then in 2991, hard times fell on Ventus, A market crash on the companies home planet forced them to reduce their fleet and let go many of their staff. Ventus was thought to be finished. This was not the case, in 2992 the company’s previous CEO was replaced by Frank Tibbs. He took the company and brought it back to its roots making Ventus as stream lined and customer friendly as possible. As their reputation grew so did their profits and soon they were back in business and ready to take the company back to its glory days.

The time is now.


“…They know what you want before you do.” -Transport Review, 2994

As a Transport and Freelance consulting firm it is our mission to take the best and the great young forces in the galaxy and employ them to work within our structure. This allows to provide the highest quality in services for you.

As an Corporation we do not limit our self to Freelance and Transportation work. We also other specializations that many others just don’t have. These include:


Exploration and Space travel have always gone hand in hand. We stay committed to that and as a company frequently participate in or endorse mission into uncharted sectors.

Search and Rescue

Part of our guarantee with customers is no matter what happens we will always get you there no matter what happens. To reassure customers of that fact a search as Rescue unit was assembled that specialized in retrieve lost and injured people as well as lost of damaged people. They continue to function as such to this day and are regarded as the best in their business.

Personal Protection

We are not a security firm, but due to several encounters with eco-terrorists we developed a security sector. They became highly requested by some parities during the worst of the years. So, we obliged the public and made our services public. Though rarely used outside of the vessels these forces still exist today.


Sometimes there’s no need to shed blood and Ventus comes prepared for that as well. Years of working across the systems has brought our employees into contact with many new civilizations and many old and ornery ones. These encounters brought knowledge that sometimes its best not to go in shooting so the Negotiations branch was formed. Some of our top members have worked closely with the UEE in many hostage rescue scenarios and well as diplomatic and treaty settings. If you need a dispute settled we also have that covered.

We also provide many other services and work closely with security companies in order to achieve safety for all. If you wish to inquire about these services you can contact us directly and we would be happy to answer any questions you have.


We Maintain that through hard work and time, almost anything can be achieved. We work closely with your company to make sure that you cargo and your cargo gets from point A to point B in one piece. Our Wide reach with consultants in the sector allows this process to move smoothly and efficiently for the best possible result. We Remain open with our policy against crime, however, we can not be held responsible for the actions of our consultants when they are not under our employ.

Despite our changes and our history the core values of Ventus Remain the same: Serve the people with quality in the most efficient way possible.



Frontier Salvage [NABTRS]



1. Full-Fledged Ventus members will obey the law at all times a. Ventus can not be held accountable for the actions of its consultants.
2. All Ventus personnel must provide exemplary customer service a. Any personnel failing to do so will be placed under review.
3. All Ventus personnel must account for lost and stolen property a. If this Property is lost due to their own incompetence or stupidity this may result in termination.
4. While On-board Ventus ships the law must be enforced as it is on Earth.
5. Ventus personnel will not discriminate by colour or race.
6. Ventus personnel will protect a passenger life at all costs.
8. Ventus personnel will not tolerate inappropriate or illegal actions from passengers a. Doing so may result in your removal from the ship.
9. Any Ventus personnel caught breaking the law will be discharged immediately.
10.Ventus can not be held accountable for lost or stolen items unless the following conditions apply: a. Item was stolen or misplaced by Ventus Crew member b. Item was properly insured by Ventus
11. All Ventus members will not violate the prime directive