Vigilia Mortis / VMC

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Transport

Humanity has always looked skyward for its true path; we saw to civilize the heavens but were destined to succumb to the weakness of our wills. We stood at the edge of destruction and would have fallen, if not for the might of the God Emperor and his Angels of Death.


Founded on 01.06.2011 Vigilia Mortis is an adult-fan-based Chapter made up of Warhammer and PC gaming fans. Whiting our community you will find gamers, hobbyists, readers, writers or simply fans all bonded by their love for the 41st millennium. We’re a Chapter inspired by the principals of Deathwatch, we seek to honour the God Emperor by facing every challenge whoever the enemy or the battlefield. Vigilia Mortis was founded with the upcoming Dark Millennium Online in mind but it was soon cancelled as the studio that developed the game went out of business. Now we’re preparing out next great adventure into the tides of war with the upcoming 40k MMORPG: ETERNAL CRUSADE. Our mission in this game is to become the dominate force on our server and beat back any foe that dare raise it weapons to the Imperium, with force and righteousness we shall prevail in the Emperors name.

In our Chapter you will find people playing all sorts of 40K games (Space Marine, Dawn of War series) you will meet role-players, readers, writers and fluff debaters (for some epic lore jousts!); tabletop players (discussing army lists, rules or painting techniques; showing their work…); all of that with great comradeship and awful jokes over our voice comms! We have a fully active site and forums for members to post anything, and allow us to set up events where everyone can have a good time and bond. For a more “interactive” gaming and non-gaming experience we use our voice communication server; so even if you are not in the mood for a game, you can just stay a while and chat. We work as well on other programs such as maptools or Roll 20 in order to make role-playing scenarios or play an online fan-version of 40k tabletop.

When Vigilia Mortis was founded we wanted to create a Chapter which was our own, something we could create our own lore and attract members who wanted to play as their favourite legion, we discussed about going down the Deathwatch route but decided it wouldn’t be in our best interests because we wanted to set ourselves up as a Chapter and implement a Chapter ranking structure so members who dedicate themselves can progressive and make themselves known. We decided to come up with an idea based off Deathwatch, a Chapter that takes in members from other Chapters, think of as the early stages of the Grey Knight order when they explored the galaxy to gather the best Astartes for their cause. We have that same idea but set in the current 41st timeline. When you apply for Vigilia Mortis you will be asked to select your Chapter.

Joining Vigilia Mortis means becoming a battle brother, OUR battle brother; it means proclaiming your passion for the grim dark future in whatever means/activities you enjoy, and sharing it with your brothers! Upon joining us you will choose a chapter to represent you and will be given a rank that will evolve rapidly if your commitment is true.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.