The Voidbound Collective / VOIDCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy

Welcome to The Voidbound Collective where freedom knows no limits. We are exiles and renegades who rule the outer reaches, striking from shadows and leaving fear in our wake. In the boundless void, we answer only to the stars. “Bound by the Void, Freed by the Stars.”


History of The Voidbound Collective

In the darkened voids of space, where law is but a whisper and freedom is a gun’s length away, The Voidbound Collective rose from the shadows. This organization, feared by merchants and mercenaries alike, is both a legend and a stark reality—a testament to what happens when the outcasts of society decide to make their own rules in the cosmos.

Founding: A Rebellion Takes Root
The Voidbound Collective was born in the aftermath of a brutal conflict known as The Nine Systems War, a vast and bloody struggle between corporate-backed security forces and a coalition of fringe worlds resisting the spread of corporate influence. For years, these worlds had served as the galaxy’s unregulated frontier—home to smugglers, pirates, ex-soldiers, and drifters all eking out a life away from bureaucratic control. When the war ended in an uneasy truce, the victors imposed harsh laws and sanctions on these fringe territories, forcing the inhabitants into submission or exile.

One of these exiles was Captain Vexnar , a decorated officer in a private security company who was betrayed by his superiors during the war. Vale, disillusioned by the corporate machine and haunted by the loss of his crew in a botched mission, fled into the uncharted fringes of space. Determined to create a place where no authority could reach, he gathered fellow outlaws, former soldiers, and pilots left adrift by the war. This ragtag group became the foundation of the Voidbound Collective—a haven for those who had lost faith in the system and vowed to take power for themselves.

Early Years: Forging a Code
Initially, the Collective operated as a loose alliance of individuals, each motivated by personal revenge and survival. However, to maintain any semblance of order among these rebels, Vexnar established a strict code known as The Voidbound Creed. This creed became the organization’s backbone, encapsulating their core tenets:

Freedom Above All Else – The Collective would answer to no one outside its ranks.
The Stars Are Our Only Home – They would not settle on any planet or be beholden to any government.
Trust Only Those Bound by the Void – Absolute loyalty to the Collective was required, with outsiders considered enemies or prey.
Under Vexnar’s leadership, the Collective quickly gained notoriety, staging small but daring raids on shipping lanes and supply convoys. These early victories brought in supplies and wealth, allowing the organization to expand and attract more recruits. Former miners, mercenaries, smugglers, and ship engineers all flocked to the Collective, drawn by the promise of freedom and revenge. Over time, the group developed into a finely tuned pirate faction, operating more like a mobile fortress than a mere band of outlaws.

The Rise of the Voidbound Collective: Masters of Guerilla Warfare
As their numbers and resources grew, the Voidbound Collective honed their tactics. Using the knowledge and expertise of ex-military members, they developed a signature hit-and-run style known as Shadow Striking. Employing stealth technology, they would ambush their targets with swift, brutal efficiency, then vanish into uncharted wormholes or asteroid fields before authorities could respond.

One of their most infamous maneuvers, The Ghost Drift, emerged during this period. The Collective would set derelict ships adrift in empty sectors, their distress beacons activated to lure in curious or greedy captains. When the unsuspecting ships arrived, the Collective would spring their trap, swooping down from hidden positions within space debris. This tactic brought them not only valuable cargo but also a reputation that struck fear into every corner of the galaxy.

As their raids became more ambitious, the Collective expanded its influence. They established hidden bases in remote asteroid fields and nebulae, fortifying them with stolen defenses and cloaking technology. These bases allowed them to operate as ghosts of the galaxy, always present but rarely seen, haunting trade routes and wormhole passageways like predators on the prowl.

The Shadow Network: Allies in the Dark
Despite their reputation as ruthless marauders, the Voidbound Collective fostered a network of allies. They allied with various fringe factions—smuggling rings, rebel cells, and black-market traders—who benefited from the Collective’s destabilization of corporate and military supply lines. This alliance became known as The Shadow Network, a loose confederation of outlaws who traded resources, information, and safe harbor for mutual protection.

Through the Shadow Network, the Collective gained access to essential goods, new recruits, and information on high-value targets. They began dealing in illicit goods—weapon caches, rare minerals, and high-tech equipment—to fund their operations and cement their reputation as a formidable force in the galaxy’s underbelly.

Their greatest strength, however, was information. By establishing listening posts and informants in key spaceports, they could anticipate convoys, scout poorly guarded routes, and even predict bounty hunter movements. This web of intelligence, combined with their ruthless tactics, made them nearly impossible to hunt down.

The Turning Point: Battle of the Black Nebula
The Voidbound Collective’s infamy reached its peak following the Battle of the Black Nebula, a legendary skirmish that cemented their status as one of the most feared pirate organizations. In an attempt to eliminate the Collective, a coalition of corporate fleets and private military groups laid an elaborate trap, luring the Collective to the Black Nebula with promises of a high-value cargo.

However, Vexnar and his lieutenants anticipated the ambush and turned the tables. Using the nebula’s dense ion clouds to mask their movements, they picked off the coalition’s ships one by one, using tactics honed over years of combat. By the end of the battle, the coalition’s forces were decimated, and the Collective had gained a massive haul of weapons, tech, and stolen ships.

This victory bolstered the Collective’s reputation, making them the subject of rumors, legends, and fear throughout the galaxy. The mythos surrounding the Voidbound Collective grew—pilots began to say that if you saw a ship adrift in space, you should flee, for the Voidbound were always watching.

The Modern Voidbound Collective: Legends in the Dark
Today, the Voidbound Collective is as much a legend as it is a reality. Their numbers have grown, with new leaders emerging under Vexnar’s command. Now operating in highly coordinated cells, the Collective’s activities stretch across multiple star systems. Each cell is governed by a lieutenant who answers only to Vale, ensuring loyalty and efficiency while preventing the organization from collapsing if one part is compromised.

Their motto, “Bound by the Void, Freed by the Stars,” resonates with those who seek freedom from the galaxy’s power structures. For the Voidbound, the stars are more than a home—they are a reminder of the endless, merciless freedom of space, a place where they write their own fate.

The Voidbound Collective has become a symbol of rebellion, feared by traders, pursued by bounty hunters, and despised by the powerful factions they defy. To most, they are ghostly marauders, but to those who wear the Voidbound emblem, they are a family, bound by loyalty and freed by the void. And in the silence of space, they are a constant reminder that some will always choose to be free, no matter the cost.

The Collective lives on, an unstoppable force that moves through the galaxy like a shadow—silent, deadly, and utterly unbound.


The Voidbound Collective Manifesto

In the cold, uncharted reaches of space, we have carved out a life beyond the grasp of laws, rulers, and faceless corporations. We are the forgotten, the betrayed, the forsaken. We are the Voidbound Collective, a brotherhood and sisterhood of those who refuse to bow, those who seek the true freedom that only the stars can offer. We pledge our loyalty not to planets or governments, but to each other and to the vast emptiness of the cosmos.

This manifesto is our creed, our guiding star. To those who would join us, understand this: The Voidbound Collective is more than a faction; it is a way of life, a code of survival, and a promise of unbreakable freedom.

1. Freedom Above All Else
We reject the chains of planets, governments, and corporations. In the void, no one holds dominion over us. We are bound to no single place, no flag, no authority—only to each other and the stars. We believe that only in the emptiness of space, away from the laws of the privileged, can we truly be free.

We are beholden to no one but ourselves. We write our own fate in the black canvas of the cosmos.

2. Loyalty to the Collective
In the harshness of the void, trust is a rare and precious thing. We trust only those who have pledged themselves to the Voidbound Collective. Each member is kin, bound by a pact stronger than blood. We protect our own, fight for our own, and avenge any betrayal with ruthless resolve.

To betray the Collective is to become an enemy of the stars themselves.

3. The Stars Are Our Home
We are wanderers by choice, bound not to planets or colonies but to the vast freedom of space itself. Planets breed comfort and complacency, but in the silence of the void, we find true purpose. We are the keepers of forgotten paths, the explorers of uncharted realms, the shadows that pass through unknown systems.

The stars are our domain, and the darkness is our refuge. We belong to the endless night.

4. Power Through Self-Reliance
We do not beg, nor do we take charity. Everything we have, we seize through our own hands and our own might. We scavenge, trade, and raid to survive, taking from those who abuse their power to control others. We forge our own paths, repair our own ships, and adapt to any challenge the void throws at us.

In every engine we fix, every weapon we wield, we become stronger. Power belongs to those who can take it—and keep it.

5. Ruthless Pragmatism
Sentimentality is a luxury for those who are safe behind walls. In the vastness of space, we act without hesitation, without remorse. We take what we need, we strike without warning, and we leave nothing to chance. The weak perish in the void; only the strong survive.

We live by the code of the void: to survive at any cost and to protect what we have claimed as our own.

6. Bound by the Void, Freed by the Stars
Our motto embodies our spirit. The void binds us together, but it also frees us from the constraints of conventional life. We embrace the darkness and silence, where no laws reach and no chains can hold us. Every star is a beacon of hope, a reminder that we are unrestrained, ungoverned, and untethered.

We are bound only to each other and freed by the infinite expanse of the cosmos.

7. Embrace the Myth, Fuel the Fear
Our reputation is as valuable as any weapon. We are the shadows in every merchant’s nightmare, the rumor that makes bounty hunters hesitate, the whisper that keeps the powerful looking over their shoulder. We cultivate our myth because fear is our armor, our silent weapon against those who would seek to destroy us.

Let the galaxy fear us. Let the legends of the Voidbound Collective grow. The more they fear, the less they resist.

8. Challenge the Powerful
We are not merely pirates or wanderers; we are rebels against a universe ruled by greed and control. We strike at those who hoard power and wealth, those who would see the galaxy in chains. We are the hand that reaches into their coffers, the blade that pierces their arrogance. Every raid, every ambush, every stolen cargo is a strike against a galaxy of oppression.

We are the darkness that disrupts the powerful, a thorn in the side of tyrants.

9. Strength in Unity, Death in Betrayal
Our strength lies in our unity. Each member, from the newest recruit to the oldest veteran, shares in the risks and rewards. We live and die as a collective, as family. Betrayal is the ultimate sin, a fracture in the very essence of who we are. To betray the Voidbound is to forfeit life itself.

We are stronger together, bound by loyalty deeper than blood, and we answer betrayal with death.

10. Leave No Trace, Take What’s Ours
Our presence is felt but rarely seen. We operate in shadows, vanishing as quickly as we strike. Every mission, every heist, every move we make is precise, leaving no evidence behind. We take only what we need and disappear, leaving our victims haunted by the specter of the Voidbound Collective.

We are ghosts of the void, shadows that cannot be captured. We appear, we take, we leave no trace.

The Voidbound Collective is more than a fleet of ships or a band of renegades. We are an ideal, a living rebellion against the shackles of society, the cruelty of corporations, and the suffocating reach of law. We are bound together by the void, but freed by the stars. Together, we thrive in the darkness, shaping our own destiny beyond the grasp of those who would seek to control us.

If you seek freedom, if you can survive the unforgiving emptiness, if you are prepared to live by this code—then you are one of us.

Join us in the darkness. Be bound by the void and freed by the stars.


The Voidbound Collective Charter

Article I: Purpose and Core Beliefs
The Voidbound Collective exists to protect and empower those who choose the life of freedom in the uncharted, lawless reaches of space. Our purpose is to resist oppression, take what we need, and maintain a strong, loyal community in the unforgiving expanse of the cosmos.

Our beliefs are simple:

Freedom Above All Else – We are bound by no authority except our own.
Loyalty to Each Other – Each member is family. Betrayal is punishable by death.
Strength Through Unity and Self-Reliance – We rely on no one but ourselves, forging our own paths and maintaining our independence.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Requirements for Membership
To join the Voidbound Collective, an individual must:

Be prepared to sever ties with any faction, government, or entity outside the Collective.
Pass an initiation mission, demonstrating loyalty, skill, and understanding of our code.
Take an oath to uphold the Voidbound Creed and the principles within this Charter.
Section 2: Rights and Duties of Members
All members of the Collective have:

The Right to Equal Share: Members are entitled to an equal share of all collective loot and resources.
The Duty to Protect: Members are required to defend the Collective and aid any member under threat.
The Right to Speak: Members may voice concerns and vote in decision-making as appropriate.
The Duty of Secrecy: Members must never disclose the Collective’s secrets, locations, or tactics.
Section 3: Ranks and Roles
The Voidbound Collective operates a structured yet flexible rank system based on skill, loyalty, and contribution:

Captain – The leader of the Collective, responsible for guiding the crew and making final strategic decisions.
Lieutenants – High-ranking members who lead cells within the Collective, responsible for strategy and operations.
Specialist – Experienced members who have proven loyalty, able to lead smaller missions and mentor new recruits.
Pathfinder – Experienced members who have a specialisme into breaching other vessels
Power Runners – New members undergoing a probationary period, learning the ways of the Collective.
Promotion within the ranks is based on merit and trust, with senior members nominating candidates for higher positions.

Article III: Code of Conduct
The Voidbound Collective adheres to a strict code of conduct to maintain unity, security, and efficiency:

No Betrayal: Any act of treachery against the Collective will be met with immediate exile or death.
Respect and Obedience: Lower-ranking members must follow orders from higher ranks, but all members are encouraged to voice opinions.
Honor the Raid: When on a mission, members must respect the chain of command, share spoils fairly, and never abandon their crew.
Maintain Secrecy: Information about the Collective’s operations, bases, and members is to remain strictly confidential.
Article IV: Decision-Making Process
Section 1: Collective Decisions
The Voidbound Collective operates as a meritocracy with input from all members, though final decisions rest with the Captain and Lieutenants.

Major Decisions (e.g., new alliances, significant raids, base relocations) require a majority vote among Lieutenants, with input from senior members.
Daily Operations are managed by individual cells, led by Lieutenants who operate with autonomy.
Section 2: Member Voting
All members have the right to vote on issues that impact the Collective as a whole, such as changes to the Charter or the induction of new Lieutenants. Voting may be called by the Captain or by a consensus among Lieutenants.

Article V: Operations and Tactics
Section 1: Raids and Resource Acquisition
Hit-and-Run Tactics: The Collective specializes in ambushes and guerrilla tactics. Missions are designed to minimize risk and maximize profit.
The Ghost Drift: A signature strategy involving the use of decoy ships to lure targets.
Resource Redistribution: All captured resources are collected and distributed evenly among all participants. Large hauls are shared across the Collective to ensure stability.
Section 2: Base Operations
Mobile Bases: The Collective operates from mobile stations and hidden bases, rotating locations frequently to evade detection.
Resource Management: Supplies are stored and rationed to ensure long-term viability in isolated locations.
Section 3: Stealth and Security
Secrecy: Movement, locations, and operations are never to be disclosed. Members use coded language and encrypted communications.
Evasion Tactics: Collective vessels are equipped with advanced stealth systems. Members must avoid conflict unless necessary or strategically beneficial.
Article VI: Disciplinary Procedures
Section 1: Grounds for Discipline
Members may be disciplined for the following actions:

Betrayal: Acts against the Collective, including espionage, theft, or collusion with outside forces.
Negligence: Behavior endangering the Collective or compromising a mission.
Disrespect: Defying orders without justification or undermining crew unity.
Section 2: Disciplinary Actions
The following actions may be taken based on the severity of the offense:

Warning: For minor infractions.
Demotion: For repeated or moderate offenses.
Exile: For serious breaches, including abandoning the Collective or sharing secrets.
Death: Reserved for ultimate betrayal or putting the Collective at severe risk.
Disciplinary decisions are made by a tribunal consisting of the Captain and selected Lieutenants.

Article VII: Alliances and External Relations
The Voidbound Collective operates independently but may form temporary alliances with other groups under the following conditions:

Mutual Benefit: Alliances are based on resource exchange or common enemies.
Temporary and Conditional: No alliance compromises the Collective’s independence, and all alliances are treated as temporary.
Secrecy and Protection: External partners do not receive access to Collective bases, and all communication is strictly controlled.
All alliances are subject to approval by the Captain and Lieutenants, with member input as necessary.

Article VIII: Amendments to the Charter
The Voidbound Collective Charter is a living document, adaptable to the changing needs of the Collective. Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by any senior member and require:

A majority vote among Lieutenants.
Final approval by the Captain.
Notification and explanation to all members.
The Voidbound Collective is a sanctuary, a force, and a home for those who have been cast aside by the galaxy’s so-called civilized powers. We are a brotherhood and sisterhood, bound by the void and freed by the stars. Together, we thrive, we fight, and we remain loyal to the creed of true freedom. This Charter is our guide, a binding promise to one another, and the cornerstone of our existence in the unforgiving expanse of space.

Signed and Sealed by the Command of the Voidbound Collective Captain and Lieutenants