Warthog Conglomerate / WARCON

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social



Although Warthog Industries is a young conglomerate, originally founded in 2951, it has already organised several events and is on the fast track to expansion. Building on the expertise of its board members, including notorious ace medical pilot Mr. Crafting, known already throughout the verse for his no questions asked angel medical services, or the daring crew of the Comrade Carrack, mapping the verse’s darkest corners such as derelict javelins and esoteric benny henge, Warthog Industries aims to take the verse by storm and rapidly become a leading company in many fields.
Prospective members are encouraged to present themselves at the industry’s open access forum. For further information or questions please reach out on our PR platform at www.twitch.tv/angryminiaturewarthog.


Warthog industries is an egalitarian industrial conglomerate. Although organised along traditional hierarchical lines, the conglomerate nonetheless functions along egalitarian lines whereby every member is free to participate, offer ideas, organise events, and call upon the resources of the organisation to benefit and develop themselves and the organisation.
Warthog industries is committed to the development of all its members and ultimately aims to be on the cutting edge of each of its branches specialisms, whether that be dog fighting, racing, organised military operations, large-scale industrial ventures or rapid response services. This will be accomplished through creative training programs including events and competitions pitching members of the organization against each other and possibly against other organisations within the verse.


Warthog industries is a conglomerate of several specialised organisations working in a range of industries, from mining, logistics and exploration to mercenary and security work, medical emergency and salvage and repair services. Each branch is headed up by a Branch Lead. All Leads together form the board of warthog industries.
The current aim of Warthog industries is to organise simulation and training events for the eventual full launch of star citizen. These include a range of events from war games to prepare warthog security marines and ace pilots for the inevitable conflicts of the verse, to medically impaired races to hone the skills of a warthog medical ambulance pilots to ensure quick and safe recovery of wounded citizens.
The short-term goal of warthog industries is to increase the number of its members and thus increase its capacities. The primary means through which this will be accomplished is the organisation of events, competitions and war games to attract participants, hone their skills and develop the future capabilities of warthog industries.
The long-term goal of warthog industries is to relocate to a Kraken class mobile base, with the aim of bringing it’s many services and capabilities to clients all around the verse.