Ward Industries Military corporation / WARDIND

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

We live by the qoute “Live free or die!”.
Our purpose is to rid the PU of any Piracy or Heresy and in which earn Capital along the way.
We will slay any pirate without a doubt of pottential innocence or validity to their actions.
Piracy will burn and we will controll the known Universe.


Formed during the final Quarter of 2021, Ward Industries Military Corporation has been completing all the mercenary work that may pop up around Microtech.
W.I.M.C. was formed by the Chairman Plutonium94 and the Vice Chairman Jeffario11.

On the 15th of January 2022 we fought for Jump town with only a single Hammerhead and Hornet; outnumbered 8:1, Unsurprisingly we were obliterated subsequently, the commander of the Hammerhead that day was AHeartydeer, and the turrets were operated by the following:
Driiger_Carteynan, Tango2319, Four-Leaf_AKA_Plan-B, ApolloX7, and ShadowWolf.
These were the people who were the Hero’s of that Battle,
The Hornet was operated by:


Our Intentions are to Recruit as many people as possible so one day, when it is available, organisations will be able to have profitable wars.
Please join the Discord at https://discord.gg/vVVvCACM


All members will respect the command structure and ranks as they are,
Members will spend most their time in and out of combat as voluntary workers,
(excluding Mercenary Work, Bounty Hunting, Small scale Trading and Mining, and all other profitable work)
Members agree to group together under the command of a Leftenant or Captain to obliterate any Griefer of one of our Members within less than 20 minutes of the act of griefing.
I agree as General to compensate you for losses of armour in battle (once I have a steady enough income too)
(as long as you have put in effort to retrieve your body after your death if it has, despawned, or simply impossible to get to)
please join our discord https://discord.gg/vVVvCACM