Romanticorp / WATR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

Welcome! My name is Wes. I’m the creator of “The Hull Truth” a weekly news recap show for Star Citizen. It’s great to meet you! I started and run The Romantics Community


My name is Wes and I’m the creator of The Hull Truth on YouTube. I started Hull Truth as a way to keep people informed and also to begin building a community for this game. We have an already established community on known as The Romantics thus our guild tag [WatR] which stands for We are the Romantics.

I started this community in September of 2012 to give myself some daily structure after my mother died. When my mother passed away, my dad was so crippled he could not take care of himself alone so I purchased a new house, quit my job and moved him in with me. I could not leave the house for more than 30 minutes at a time due to the excessive amount of care he needed. The live stream gave me a way to stay sane.

Little did I know that such an amazing community would spring up around the stream. People began to flock to the channel and all of them are amazing, caring and understanding individuals that act as a whole, The Romantics community. There are many stories of kindness, new friendships forming and even people traveling across countries to meet with friends they found through our community. The family we have online has helped me get through the toughest 2 years of my entire life and I don’t know how I would have made it without them.

I hope that you will consider taking part in this experience by joining our community and experiencing the outpouring of kindness that I have over the past year+.

You can find us on the web at


Here at Romanticorp we value community above all else.

Our beliefs, goals and requirements below.

We believe in having a good time with friends without elitism. Our main goal has always been to build a community of GOOD people on the web. With this community of friends and family we will carve out our place in Star Citizen operating multiple divisions with specific leaders for each division. You will have personal access to your division and org leaders.

The Four Cornerstones
  • A Generous Spirit
  • Mutual Respect
  • Maturity
  • Positivity
    This means you can’t have a bad time. If everyone follows these rules, we will be successful in our community.
  • Community Community Community – We want you to meet new people, make friends and have an excellent time while never having to worry about elitism or being locked out of content because you’re not “good enough” or in the right “clique” which happens in so many large guilds.
  • Quality over Quantity – Who wants to be in a massive guild and be anonymous with no hope of joining in on the good stuff?
  • To be successful enough in Star Citizen that all members will be able to participate in any aspect of the game they please
  • To eventually be lucrative enough to provide payment to our own members for doing in-guild jobs such as economic escorts of our transports
  • To successfully run multiple divisions within the same organization, each with their own leadership to provide in-org roles for people with personal access to their specific division leaders.
  • To be precise in our efforts. Our multiple division approach with dedicated leadership will allow us to put our BEST most INTERESTED pilots into the roles they love and allow them to help shape and make our org successful.
Our Requirements
  • That you present and promote the Four Cornerstones listed above.
  • Begin with recruit status until security checks are completed. (In-Lore and to prevent spy activity)
  • Apply here on the org page by clicking the Join Now button at –
Important Details on our Division Structure and Job Openings:


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