Wayfarers / WAYHOME

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Welcome to Wayfarers ✨

We are a close-knit crew who explore all Star Citizen has to offer. Born under different stars, bonded by a shared restlessness and drawn to the thrill of discovery, we are wanderers on a journey of adventure.

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Cy6erfox makes his way to the stars.


Looking for purpose, Cy6erfox sent a transmission into the black. The first to respond were Zxdos and Bosmang-Ashford, two skilled spacers who knew their way around the ‘verse.

Days later, the signal was discovered by two more adventurers: iradium88, a resourceful freelancer, and AssTheBear, a medic with a knack for humour even in the most dire of situations.

Journeying from station to station, Cy6erfox crossed paths with, BaxMcHax, an amiable and talented mechanic, and SirGnom, master craftsman and sharpshooter. Each new ally found a piece of themselves reflected in the others.

The Siege of Orison came soon after – with Simke1 making a name for himself as a valiant warrior. Leading the gang through to victory, he emerged as a symbol of their spirit: courage, resilience, and loyalty in the face of overwhelming odds.

Drawn to the promise of camaraderie, the crew was joined in quick succession by Ryzen_56X, a resourceful engineer, TheSpacePhoenix, a skilled tactician, totorejtt, a miscreant and troublemaker, and Z-ER-0, agent of chaos.

Each new member added their own spark to the fledgling crew, unknowing that they’d be coming along for a long journey.


Strengths from every corner of the ‘verse, solace under the same flag; it doesn’t matter who they were before, they are Wayfarers now.


Formed in 2953, we are a close-knit crew who explore all Star Citizen has to offer. Born under different stars, bonded by a shared restlessness, and drawn to the thrill of discovery, we are wanderers on a journey of adventure.

A patchwork of personalities, our strength lies in the diversity of our backgrounds, perspectives, and talents. Here, settlers, traders, freelancers, and dreamers – unlikely allies from across the galaxy – collide. Together, we roam the vastness of space as one.

Unburdened by rigid allegiances, we are not mercenaries, diplomats, tyrants, nor heroes out to save the galaxy. We coexist for a purpose bigger than ourselves, a beacon that calls to us as we chart our course through the cosmos.

We move to an offbeat rhythm with plenty of laughs, grudges, and unexpected moments in between. Regularly outgunned, and always outnumbered, we are readily synchronous when the stakes are high, often finding ourselves on the run.

Bound by loyalty, our promise is simple: stand together, no matter the odds.

Fearless, daring, and free;
we are at home among the stars.


  • To explore all Star Citizen has to offer.
  • To roam as one.
  • To coexist and combine our skills.
  • To find like-minded crewmates.
  • To stand together.
  • To make our home among the stars.