Wolves Den / WOLVESDEN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Some people might call us mercenaries,some people might call us soldiers of fortune. Many people will say Wolves Den gets the job done. True security comes from tactical superiority.

Join us on our Discord
Our Webpage


Formed in 2938, Wolves Den are Comprised mostly from ex UEE Marines, and other various para-military companies.Led by a few Veterans of the Battle of Crion, they are surprisingly very self sufficient. Not only do they have decent numbers and a few fighter squadrons.They have their own shipping crews,exploration divisions,and ground forces.A soldier led company with years worth of combat experience.These men and women know what to do in any given situation in space or on the ground. With that kind of dedication and determination,failure is never an option. For a while now work flow has been steadily increasing for the wolves den. During this time an opportunity arose. Wolves Den had bought out and merged assets with Enote a trading company. With hopes Enote could expand on wolve’s den trading operations and furthering Wolve’s den contracts and income. During the merger a major conflict of value and morals was brought to the attention of wolve’s den by its close Allies.
During this time the council started an investigation. Towards the end of the investigation Wolve’s Den main alliance had also come forward with numerous evidence. The Wolves Den leadership dissolved the merger and took the loss of a profitable merger. A seed was laid though after the dissolve of the merger. Wolve’s Den was recognize for its integrity, respect for others, and Diplomacy. Wolves Den continued on its path securing work contracts tightening our ties with our Allies, which caught the eyes of some ghost organizations. Wolves Den was now put to an even stronger test to earn they’re respect. Due to delays in production of resupply, Wolves Den pulled all its forces home for some over due R&R. While in Wolves Den time relaxation and unforeseen change was coming that our council was unable to foresee. With supply production almost back up to original standards the Round Table made plans to reconvene with a major overhaul of changes before heading back to battle lines. On the day of the meeting the seed that has been growing in the background finally bloomed and for ever changing Wolves Den. Wolves Den lost a major member who was highly respected and Considered a Brother to all Round Table members. Actions taken by the member almost destroyed Wolves Den due to their actions taken. Thankfully the integrity and heart of Wolves Den was not lost.The remaining council members rallied together and persevered. A new unforeseen delay also in ship repair and designs an extension of of Wolves Den R&R was implemented.

Our discord https://discord.gg/Q8zgJ84


“It’s the unconquerable soul of man, not the nature of the weapon he uses, that insures victory.” General George S. Patton.

“They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.” Creigghton Abrams


We have some basic rules to be adhered to, but they are commence for the common mind.
1) Real life comes first.
2)organization founded on the principles of respect for all, working as a team serving a purpose greater than just individual ambition where everyone has value to bring to the team
3) All ways play to have fun (remember in the end its still a game)
4)Must be 20yrs old or up to join. (We have few grandfathered and there is special circumstances)
4)When in doubt. Trust your instincts
5) Doing the right thing sometimes you might have to break a law or two. Crime stats go away. Don’t worry about it
6)If you have any problems send me or any one in the higher seats a message we are here to help and will do so.
7)what ever you do outside of your time with us in game is up to you. We don’t own you


How active do I need to be?
We are an organization that welcomes members from all backgrounds and countries. Whether an individual that plans to spend hours daily in Star Citizen or one who is only able to login a few hours a month, all are most welcome to join us.

Do you role play?
Some still feel there is a strong difference on role playing or not, but with Star Citizen…how can you play without having some of this? Timing is everything and we will likely see more of this as the larger multi-crew ships come out. Whether directing a battle or exploration mission, or simply trying to tackle a unique operation…this will definitely come into play. All are welcome, so whether you like to role play or sit quietly handling whatever task is before you…there is a place for you here.