What's that button do? / WTBD

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Hey What’s that button do? oh there goes my quant… well know we know. Here at What’s that button do? we are all about learning what SC has to give. We do not hesitate to find out what the button does. We are mostly focused on having a good time and if we make some credits along the way even better


What’s that button do? Hey… were did my quant go… plus the last hour… really what am I doing out here in the vast ocean of darkness….

Zip – “Hey Panther there is one thing your going to need to watch out for…”
Panther- “What’s that”?
Zip – “The ground…”
Panther – “OK”
30mins later
Zip- “Remember when I said watch out for the ground…”
Panther- “Ya.”
Zip- “Ok cool, welcome to star citizen”

Our history may be short… Well that’s really actually it.

Thanks for stopping by.


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Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.