Corpus Dominion Cartel / XCDCX

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Its your right, this is YOUR fight!

Welcome to XcdcX!


Its your right, this is YOUR fight! If prohibition is a four letter word, this is your ORG!

Corpus Dominion Cartel believes that every human has the right to govern the substances that enter their bodies, and is dedicated to the rights of individuals to make choices concerning substance preference. Our ORG is dedicated to the distribution and sales of drugs all over the verse.

XCDX member is a libertarian politically, a personal responsibility advocate, a victimless crime advocate and a smuggler by trade. XCDCX believes the sprit owns the body, not the state, and certainly not corporations. In fact the big cheese at XcdcX practices the religion of Corpus Dominion, the ownership of the body resides with the soul thats inhabitants said body. Another core is celebrating Allan Watts.

Citizen Pilots, a great injustice is about to unfold. Unconfirmed Mass grave sites has been discovered on Hurston. UEE temp workers are more like slaves and its more dangerous than ever to visit that area. Merely passing by the system will get your ship torn apart and if they find contraband you just might find yourself in one of those disgusting graves.

The big cheese is very upset and has something in the works to perhaps bring some balance to Stanton. Runaway capitalism died on earth very painfully in the collapse of the markets in 2020. America’s inequality became so great that people either lived like a king or a servant, a throwback to failed governments, a herald of hoo hoo and it all smells of poo poo. Corporations without concern for its workers, board meetings filled with sex robots, workers getting worked until exhaustion and worse…death it seems and now Staton is trying to cover it up!. The Stanton system is turning into a sick playground for the ultra wealthy. And now with the power to buy systems out right, no doubt these corporations will try and operate without oversight and no regard for human rights moving forward.

Since corporations insist on prohibition with our bodies, (by proxy claiming ownership,) combined with a forced prescription system- padding the pockets of a intrusive and abusive health care system – practices currently allowed by UEE law and promoted by corporations, then we will operate inside the blackest of markets in the name of Corpus Dominion, our guiding light. Freedom of body, control of your body belongs to the individual not the state. Who owns you?

Our primary mission at xCDCx is to control the illicit drug trade in a way that ensures access to everyone that seeks the help of the these illicits. XcdcX does not question whether its right or wrong, left or right, real freedom is ability to make mistakes, what’s consider a mistake for some, others consider breakthroughs, what helps the pain of some, might not for others. Its your soul riding in that meat husk of water and tissue, and its not our place as a society to limit access to substances, its not fair. XcdcX mission is to facilitate substance access to citizens by all means, peacefully or otherwise.


Control as many drug lab as we can while using them as headquarters of distribution spend game time flight training for proficiency, protecting, regulating, restricting, distribution so our organization gains control , which will give CDC control over the most valuable commodity in the verse.

And for some reason, XcdcX attracts the best minds in the verse, perhaps its the notion that liberty is not granted to us by man, and its protection paramount. Without liberty, the light of hope – the singular concept that has kept humanity together for millions of centuries is at stake, what could be more important than its protection.

CDC is the founder and primary Shadow sponsor of the Rocky Horror 3,000 a Halloween race event and expo.


Respect others right to use whatever substance they want, its unalienable to all conscious beings.

“Just be cool”