Xeno Corp / XEC

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

A Galaxy Of Resources, A Universe Of Potential.




What we do :

XenoCorp Inc. is the premier leader in advanced conceptual research and technology . Incorporating researchers from almost every race in the known galaxy. Recently gone public, XenoCorp now offers it’s services to all individuals, groups, corporations and governments for a comparative and competitive price. These services include, but are not limited to, the following : Advanced Conceptual research aimed towards providing advanced and cost effective solutions for the most difficult issues. Technology Exchange Program (TEP) – Designed to pool the technology of all the races in the known galaxy to further the technological standard Galactically*. Enforcement and Fleet Operations – research, quarantine, and other Operations services. Colony protection and emergency evacuation services. Security and other related services. Trade and information bartering. Exploration and Technology gathering.

*Members must meet certain criteria before TEP becomes available. Contact the nearest XenoCorp TEP office for more information.


  • The XenoCorp Codes:
XenoCorp® is not just a corporation, it is a community, and we respect the concepts of strength , honor, peace, and dedication. To reflect this, all life forms that are members of this community do agree and promise to abide by, on no uncertain terms, that : We will have FUN ! We will represent XenoCorp® and it’s ideals in all that we do, and are. We will strive to never bring insult, injury or otherwise defame the XenoCorp® name, or ourselves. We will practice with integrity, without using bugs, mods (models are ok), or cheats of any kind to create an unfair advantage. We will give respect to those that we practice with even if that person is not respectful to us. We will strive to help create an enjoyable practice environment for all. We will strive to first give time to see if a misunderstanding has happened in the event of a conflict or argument among fleet mates, or the Galactic Community as a whole. We will do everything in our powers to preserve, protect and promote the right of all life forms to enjoy a existence free from prejudice and oppression, except those life forms that are practicing prejudicial or oppressive techniques. We observe proper protocol regarding Community actions and relations.