Luna Wolves / XVILEGION

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Social

The Luna Wolves are who the UEE calls when the UEEN is not enough, where everyone willing to protect those who are in danger is welcome: from raids against Vanduul space to humanitarian missions, exploration or trade. Join the XVI legion on our Discord today


The Luna Wolves legion was founded over a year ago but has existed since 2019 in different shapes or forms. From its founding as a legion, we have a group of over 25 leaders very well experienced in hosting large scale operations and leading teams; our backbone to provide content and fun for all our legionnaires and affiliates.
We have over 500 members, ensuring a constant stream of activity in our text and voice channels.

We’re a UEE aligned organisation that proactively seeks combat; whether it is protecting those that cannot defend themselves or enacting raids into enemy territory, be they pirates or Vanduul.

We believe in brotherhood and sisterhood, and we want to become an organisation where every kind of player, from our frontline combatants to our industrious builders or explorers can find their home and discover together all the content of Star Citizen. For that we have several kinds of Squadrons at your disposal:

  • Tactical Squadrons: versatile groups capable of achieving any combat oriented mission
  • Explorator Squadrons: Reconnaissance experts and explorers, expanding the frontier of the UEE one jump at a time
  • Devastator Squadrons: Specialists in operating our fleet of over a hundred capital ships
  • Logistics Squadrons: Industrious experts in base building, resource gathering and trading
  • Apothecary Squadrons: Providing medical extraction to our legionnaires and aid to citizens and civilians in the UEE

If you’d like to access our community and enjoy our content, activity, fleet and tools visit us in our Discord


Our governing bodies reflect our search for plurality: both the Warrior’s Lodge and the Mournival are instituted to ensure not a single voice will ever quieten the voices of many. In the Warrior’s Lodge, where we discuss the future of the organisation, we are all equals, warriors, leaving our ranks at the door before proceeding to engage with one another. The Mournival, the executive body of the legion, is composed of several members to ensure a plurality of voices.

There are several ranks a Legionnaire, or aspiring affiliate can attain within the Luna Wolves legion. It is important to note that with these ranks does not come the obligation to partake in the decision-making process and guidance of the future of the Legion.

  • Acolyte: Affiliates that also swear allegiance to other organisations, they are free to partake in any event hosted or sponsored by the Luna Wolves and to join any Squadron of their choosing.
  • Legionnaire: The backbone of the legion, full members that have sworn their main allegiance to the Luna Wolves. You must set our org as your main org in the verse to become a Legionnaire.
  • Sergeant: Veteran legionnaires that have demonstrated leadership ability or act as aides to their Lieutenants or Captains.
  • Lieutenant: Leaders of the legion, many of them heroes on their own right, leading Squadrons of up to twenty legionnaires.
  • Captain: The highest rank within the legion and one that all the members of the Mournival also hold. They can create companies spanning several Squadrons and lead them in battle.

If you’d like to access our community and enjoy our content, activity, fleet and tools visit us in our Discord


Our rules are few and simple, please take a moment to read through them and consider if we are a good fit for you.

  • No discrimination or comments resembling it are allowed
  • No discussion about politics or politicians unless they have been dead for more than 500 years or they will be born at least 500 years from now (Vote Costigan!)
  • No out of role religious discussion; but in role feel free to go ahead and venerate Addison or the God Emperor, I’m not your dad
  • I am wrong often, you might be wrong sometimes: don’t be hesitant to back down from arguments and admit when you’re wrong or say you’re sorry
  • Respect your fellow battle-brothers and battle-sisters
  • Assume all our channels and forums are PG-13 unless explicitly stated so

If you feel like this is the type of space you’d like to enjoy your time in the verse in, join us at our Discord