Ybok Gaming Community / YBOK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources






— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —


Founded in 2012, the Ybok Gaming Community (YGC) has its origins in the MMOFPS Planetside 2. As a Vanu outfit on the server Helios, we had the distinction of being a founding member of the Helios Vanu Command (HVC), a coalition of outfits in that server. At our peak we had 1200 active members and were one of the server’s premier communities.

Unfortunately, poor decisions by the developers about the course of the game caused the majority of the established communities to seek other games, which is why our main game is now Star Citizen.

We actively play the Star Citizen alpha releases to improve our skills and practice activities we will be conducting in the finalized universe. Since we’re a multi-gaming community, there are also plenty of other games to play with us while we wait for SC to release.

Services we provide our members are an active Discord, website, forum, and Steam group. We also have members with expertise in various technical fields, so any question someone may have can usually be answered here.

YGC is fully expanding into Star Citizen and creating an active and prosperous community of like-minded citizens.


— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —


— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —

Audentes Fortuna Juvat

“Fortune Favors The Bold”


While CIG completes the game, Ybok Gaming Community (YGC) is hard at work to build up our Star Citizen community. Our primary goal within Star Citizen is to establish a functional, dynamic, and far-reaching presence within the ‘Vers, felt by players both within our community and without. This will be achieved with an initial focus on economic growth and industrialization. This will give us the funds and resources necessary to expand and colonize.

We work hard to fulfill our vision of an organization that has the ability to provide support to all of it’s members and create an environment that enables people to play the game how they want while simultaneously contributing to the success and prosperity of all org members. Your membership has meaning and everyone has a voice.

You can join the Sovereignty. Apply now!

Membership Application Link


A deeper look into our organization:


  • Occupy
    • Claim a sector in empty space for initial launch coordination and logistics.
    • Occupy a moon and establish a Forward Operating Base (FOB)
  • Maintain Order
    • Conduct regular patrols to protect our FOB.
    • Establish safe routes for travel and trade in YGC space.
    • Establish and maintain a safe environment in YGC space and surrounding areas.
    • Deny use of YGC space to any unauthorized activity.
  • Prosper
    • Explore
      • Continuously expand YGC space as applicable.
      • Discover and exploit all resources in YGC Space, and surrounding areas as necessary to pursue stated YGC goals.
    • Get rich
      • Establish trading relationships with other organizations.
      • Pursue profitable contracts.
      • Collect bounties.
      • Collect Spoils of War as appropriate.


— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —


— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —


  • Real life comes first!
  • All external affairs and dealings with officials of other organizations must be conducted in a manner that will not compromise the integrity, or place in question, the reputation of YGC or its members.
  • It is at utmost importance that all members of the clan are treated with respect. It is also important to treat people outside the clan with equal courtesy. All disputes shall be dealt with in a responsible and mature style.
  • Anybody caught cheating, hacking, exploiting irresponsibly, or griefing will be reprimanded or exiled from the organization.
  • Excessive profanity is not tolerable. Occasional slips are understandable, just use common sense.
  • Treat all members with equal respect, regardless of race, age, gender, opinions, and sexual orientation.
  • Excessive use of profanity and inappropriate language.
  • Insults, personal attacks, abuse, harassment.
  • Derogatory comments based on nationality, culture, race, religion, gender, or sexual preferences.
  • Begging or Soliciting.
  • Distribution of a user’s personal information.
  • Discussing or linking to illegal activities.
  • Giving real world or in-game threats.
  • Advertising other clans or organizations.
  • Discussion (with the intent to troll) of social, religious, political, illegal or other controversial topics.


— [ Website ] – [ Discord ] – [ Steam Group ] —