• Club
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

Hello! We are a group of friends and/or individuals looking for a casual set of gamers set upon gathering resources and having some fun. Most of us will have known each other irl or over a longer duration on multiple games and platforms. Don’t be discouraged though, we’ll take anyone who’s chill!


History? Plenty of it over many games and platforms. To narrow it down, we are a bunch of gaming buddies, some known irl and some known for longer periods of different means. There’s nothing too serious going on here, just some players looking for some good gaming and some laughs!


We are a relatively non-agressive club focused mainly on resource gathering, exploring and making some dough. We are pretty loose with the humor around here but bad behavior won’t be tolerated. We treat our members with respect, provide help when available and with an emphasis on getting every member a good start into verse.


1. Above all else, respect your Officers and other club members. Griefing, stealing and general bad behavior will not be tolerated and may lead to loss of membership

2. We are not focused on PVP but not opposed to it. However, before engaging in such conduct, be aware, chances are not everyone will want to be involved so check with an Officer before dragging the entire club into a conflict.

3. Everyone is allowed to go do there own thing but we are here to help each other out, so if you or someone else is in need of assistance, try to prioritize helping as much as possible.

4. Finally, if theres any internal conflicts that need to be addressed, talk to an officer to help to sort it out. Otherwise, keep the animosity elsewhere. We want a chill and relatively stress free enviroment. If an individual/individuals cant abide by those simple rules they will be dealt with accordingly.

5. Have some fun out there in the verse!