Yorkshire Exploration Solutions / YES

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

– Want to explore the galaxy? – Want to build and design your way to a better future?

If you answered YES to either of these questions, then YES is the organisation for you!

– Yorkshire Explorations Solutions – Bringing Yorkshire to the rest of the galaxy –


The Organisation known as YES was first created in 2015 in the glorious dales of Yorkshire. During the 21st century, it was thought that Yorkshire was still in the dark ages, however, almost a millennia later, YES still stands firm and has brought Yorkshire into the 30th century. YES believed that if it wasn’t from Yorkshire it was not worth visiting, they were right. However, the idea developed with that in mind was that this was unfair on the rest of the galaxy. From this, YES has endeavored to bring Yorkshire to the entire galaxy through the medium of exploration and engineering.

1728 – 1779 – With that in mind however the origins of YES can be traced back to 18th century when Captain James Cook was born, lived and died a Yorkshire man. The famous Explorer discovered and achieved much on Earth.

1853 – George Cayley a Yorkshire engineer created and tested the first fixed wing airplane. The glider was then flown 200 meters successfully, 50 years before the Wright brothers!

1981 – just over a century later Yorkshire Engineers created the longest suspension bridge in the UK – The Humble Bridge – it is also the fifth largest the the world at the time.

1991 – Helen Sharman became the first and only British astronaut of the era, a woman born of Yorkshire.

2015 – The first iteration of the Organisation was created.

Everything, including the tea, is precision engineered by our own highly skilled professionals exclusively in Yorkshire.


Yorkshire Exploration Solutions’ aim is to provide an excellent standard of engineering and exploration skills to our valued customers. We provide only the highest level of customer satisfaction for deep space exploration and all engineering needs. YES provides a competitive price for your needs and we strive to look after both our customers and employees.

Being a part of YES is like being in Yorkshire its self.

Don’t waste time, just say YES.


‘Ear all, see all, say nowt;
Eyt all, sup all, pay nowt;
And if ivver tha does owt fer nowt –
Allus do it fer thissen.

Translation: ‘Hear all, see all, say nothing; Eat all, drink all, pay nothing; And if ever you do anything for nothing – always do it for yourself.