• Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

The semi-official Organization for the Yogscast


Since 2096 YogOrg has been around staking claims and making money they know is rightfully theirs. Its two founders LividCoffee and YogsZach have led the organization from a small casual group of pilots wishing for riches, to the mighty beast it is today. Their goals are simply, big money, big power, big women, and no means is too small to achieve them. For many years they toiled, their main method of money was Whosranium Organized Weaponization,but when a new ship, built by the mighty Mojang arrived they soared to new heights. Finding short success in Projects like SOI, Stars of Industry, and the YogPod escape pod. And while those were short lived, many years continued with fans of the Org wishing for its return. For centuries, casual, friendly attitude the original pilots of the group has grown into the core of the Organizations existence. Willing to accept anyone wishing to prove themselves among the best, worthy of the title of Dave! Yognaught, the future stays ever bright on the Mighty YogOrg.


“Our mission is simply, yet never ending. We must reach for every star, make connections with every glorious bastard, mine every mountain, and dig every hole to dig. And when the Ores and Minerals dry up, the big women and big money start to fade, we must once again move forward. Ever moving, ever scoffing the Great Jaffa cake that is space!” Commander Simon “Dwarf Man” Lane, the 6th


YogOrg is hereby granted the power to execute any and all actions in its name. This includes acts of heroism and stupidity, provided the latter isn’t to the detriment of others.

Our articles are as follows

  1. Be good to each other – we game for fun (no trolling, no discrimination)
  2. Each and every member of the YogOrg is free to do their own thing, but if there is a call to arms we should, as best we are able, attend. (As and when such announcements are made – a level 1-5 system should be used, with 5 as utmost severity. Include either YogI or YogO as part of the call – signifying Individual or Org – so that it is clear if it is an individual/small group matter or pertaining to YogOrg as a whole, e.g. YogI2, YogO5)
  3. When one falls, we rise.
  4. When one falls in a funny way, we take pictures.