Chapter (A section of a treaty) ‘n’ Verse (A fictional world).
The main group started playing together many years ago with BF3 and MOHW (love it or hate it) a handful of us moved over to Elite Dangerous and until Odyssey where most I believe uninstalled lol, now a few of of us now play Star Citizen in alpha and we are looking to extend our circle of like minded players.
If you are looking for a relaxed environment with a bit of everything then please read on and if you decide to apply.
We all enjoy different aspects of the game as it is intended upon release, but that is not to say all will be as open to mining, trading, salvage or even combat that being said we will help when possible and that would be a very desirable trait in other members.
For us we have always been and remain a group of friends that will always have a laugh whether that is in the form of mild barracking or just talking shit in discord, our main Clan is more FPS based gamers which I believe will join us once the game actually releases.
We will not be running military drills, we will not enforce minimum attendance or participation, we will try to enjoy the game.
All members treated equally and with respect.
Anti social behaviour will not be tolerated, I am sure you realise what this encompasses.
We all play to wind down, escape and do things that our normal life does not allow i.e. space travel for one, remember its not real keep it fun.