Galactic Energy Solutions / GES

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Transport

Focused on the discovery, acquisition, and transport of precious metals and resources throughout the universe..

Current Fleet on Manifesto


Following the discovery of the first Jump Point in 2271, the need for planetary excavation and resource collection has increased exponentially as new systems are discovered and wars are raged. Advances in engine strength and cargo capacity have made mass resource transportation possible throughout the universe and opened a gateway for many corporations. With the ever present threat of war with the Xi’an and Vanduul raids, research facilities are hard pressed for weapon and ship improvements to combat these threats.

To fulfill the demand for resources and transportation “Galactic Energy Solutions” was formed by two brothers on Terra in 2900, following the founding of Voyager Direct. Progressing from a small time oil and gas company, the brothers quickly gained reputation and capital enough to register Galactic Energy Solutions and build the foundation blocks for the Corporation to grow on.

Today Galactic Energy Solutions is a steadily expanding company, striving to meet client deadlines and fulfill the ever growing need for resources and reliable transport.


Galactic Energy Solutions is committed to being the premier resource collections and transportation company in the universe. To accomplish this we plan on growing our pool of pilots greatly over the next year to a staggering 100+ Mining and transport vessels, as well as putting together a force of Contractors to act as defense for our larger, slower ships.

—Current Fleet—

Mining Fleet
- 5x Prospector
- 3x Orion
- 1x Hull D
- 1x Hull B
- 1x Starfarer
- 1x Merchantman
- 1x Reclaimer
- 1x Crucible
- 1x Carrack
- 1x Herald
- 1x Constellation Phoenix
- 1x Terrapin
- 1x Idris
- 1x Retaliator
- 1x Freelancer MIS
- 2x Super Hornet
- 1× 325A
- 1x Gladiator
- 1x Vangaurd Warden
- 1x Khartu-Al
- 1x Sabre
- 1x Gladius
- 1x P-72
- 1x Mustang Beta
- 2x Aurora


Interested in joining us? Drop us an application, our ranks never close to those dedicated enough to do what we do.

To be considered for recruitment the following applies.
  • 18 years of age
  • Team player
  • Committed to the organization
  • Trustworthy (Security clearances will be distributed upon launch)
  • Dedication

Our pilots specialize in mining, collecting, and hauling resources of any type for our respective clients, secrecy and relations are our top priority.